Monday, September 28, 2020


Question 1: What do you mean by manufacturing industries?
Answer: Those economic activities which are engaged in the processing and altering of raw materials and semi-finished products into finished products are known as manufacturing industries.

Question 2: Why is Iron and Steel a basic industry?
Answer: It is a basic industry because other manufacturing industries, e.g., machine tools, locomotives, railway rolling stock, shipbuilding, depend on Steel.

Question 3: Which are other manufacturing industries, which depend on Iron and Steel industry?
Answer: Other manufacturing industries, e.g., machine tools, railway rolling stock like locomotives,
coaches and ship-building indirectly depend on it.

Question 4: Which industries depend Iron and Steel industry directly?
Answer: Engineering industries directly depend on it. For example, Defence equipment’s, a variety of consumer goods like bicycles, fans, furniture, tractors and other agricultural machinery are also manufactured.

Question 5: What are mini Steel plants?
Answer: The mini Steel plants are of small or medium size and have less production capacity as compared with the big Steel plants. It has electric furnaces and utilize scrap sponge iron as raw materials.

Question 6: What are Integrated Steel Plants?
Answer: Integrated Steel Plant is one where all the processes are carried out in one complex, starting from handling of raw materials, Sinter making, Coke making, Steel making, rolling and shaping.

Question 7: Where are the recent Integrated Iron and Steel Plants of India located?
Answer: Vishakhapatnam Steel Project, Vijayanagar Steel Plant and Salem Steel Plant.

Question 8: What are the facilities enjoyed by ‘Visvesvaraya Iron and Steel Works’?
Answer: It is ideally located because most of the materials required are available within a radius of 50 km at Bhadr,avati. Instead of coal it was charcoal from the wood in Shimoga and Kadur forests.

Question 9: Where is the Durgapur Steel Plant located?
Answer: The Durgapur Steel Plant is located in Burdwan district of West Bengal (about 160 km. from Kolkata).

Question 10: (i) Which river provides the water facilities for IISCO plant?
(ii) From where does it export its finished goods?
Answer: (i) Damodar river provides the water facilities for IISCO plant.
(ii) Kolkata port facilitates the export of finished goods.

Question 11: Mention any one problem faced by the Iron and Steel Industry in India.
Answer: Declining raw prate rial.

Question 12: What is Petrochemical Industry. Where is it located?
Answer: Petrochemicals are the important organic chemicals, derived from petroleum products, LPG and Coal. The industry is normally located near an oil refinery.

Question 13: What is the basic raw material or requirements for Petrochemical industry?
Answer: The basic requirement for petrochemical industry are Naphtha or Ethylene and Benzene.

Question 14: What are the main products of Petrochemical industry?
Answer: Petrochemicals are used for manufacturing synthetic fibres, synthetic rubber, ferrous and non- ferrous metals, plastic, dyestuffs, drugs and pharmaceuticals.

Question 15: Name some Heavy Industries.
Answer: The Heavy Industries are: Ship-building, Railway rolling stock and Automobile industries.

Question 16: Where does the Chittaranjan Locomotives industry gets its coal and iron ore.
Answer: It gets its coal iron ore from Rourkela Steel Plant.

Question 17: Where are Integrated Coaches manufactured.
Answer: At Parambur near Chennai and Kapurthala in Punjab.

Question 18: Where is the Rail Coach Factory (RCF).
Answer: At Kapurthala in Punjab.

Question 19: When and where was the first aircraft industry set up.
Answer: It was set up in 1964 at Bangalore.

Question 20: Where are Power Generating Equipment’s manufactured.
Answer: They are manufactured at Bhopal by Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL).

Question 21: Which is the modem industry of our country.
Answer: The Electronic Industry is the modem industry of India.

Question 22: What are the main products manufactured by the Electronic Industry?
Answer: It manufactures radio sets, television sets, power transmitters, data processing machines and computers.

Question 23: Where are the main manufacturing centres of Electronic Industry.
Answer: They are at Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Pune.

Question 24: Which satellites are built by our Space Technology in support with our Electronic Industry.
Answer: These satellites are Apple and Insat series.

Question 25: (i) State the importance of Electronics in Defence.
(ii) Mention one important requirement of the Electronics industry.
Answer: (i) Communication, manufacturing.
(ii) Research and development.

Question 26: Which are the leading centres of software Industry.
Answer: They are Bangalore and Hyderabad.

Short Questions

Question 1: Name the section into which an Iron and Steel plant can be divided.
Answer: An Iron and Steel plant can be divided into the four sections:
(i) Raw materials processing area.
(ii) Blast furnaces.
(iii) Steel melting furnaces.
(iv) Rolling mills.

Question 2: What are the resources necessary for the development of Iron and Steel industry?
Answer: The resources necessary for the development of Iron and Steel industry are iron-ore; fuel—coal, thermal power; ferro alloys—tungsten, cobalt, manganese; scrap—waste material; flux— limestone, dolomite or gypsum.

Question 3: Mention any two advantages of Mini Steel Plants.
Answer: The main advantages of Mini Steel Plants are:
(i) Their location at convenient points help to meet steel requirements of far flung areas and thus help in promoting a balanced regional growth.
(ii) They are specially useful in promoting production of alloy and Steel in electric furnaces.

Question 4: Briefly write about ‘Visvesvaraya Iron and Steel Works’?
Answer: Visvesvaraya Iron and Steel Works is a new name of Mysore Iron and Steel Works. It was started in the year 1923 at Bhadravati. It was formerly a private sector concern. Since 1962, it is in the public sector and is owned by the Central Government and State Government of Karnataka and has been renamed Visvesvaraya Iron and Steel Ltd.

Question 5: (i) What is the ‘speciality’ of Visvesvaraya Iron and Steel Plant?
(ii) Name the Power Stations that supply electricity to this plant.
Answer: (i) It produces special Steel and alloy.
(ii) Mahatma Gandhi HEP station and Sharavati HEP station supply electricity to this plant on a large scale.

Question 6: Describe any three facilities at the Durgapur Steel Plant.
Answer: (i) High quality coking coal is obtained from Raniganj and Jharia.
(ii) Manganese ore from Sundargarh district.
(iii) Limestone from Birmitrapur (Madhya Pradesh).

Question 7: Mention three advantages that a mini steel plant has over an integrated steel plant.
Answer: The advantages are: Mini Steel Plants use electric furnaces thus conserving coking coal. They require less capital investments. Since they are located in industrial towns so transport cost is reduced. It is ecofriendly does not require large capital investment.

Question 8: (i) Where is the Bhilai Steel plant located?
(ii) Where does the Bhilai Iron and Steel Industry gets it supply of:
(a) Iron ore (b) Coal
(c) Limestone (d) Manganese.
Answer: (i) It is located at Durg District of Chhattisgarh.
(ii) (a) Dalli-Rajhara (b) Korba and Jharia
(c) Nandini quarries (d) Balaghat of Madhya Pradesh.

Question 9: Describe any three facilities at the Bhilai Steel Plant.
Answer: (i) High quality iron-ore is obtained from Durg, Chanda and Bastar districts,
(ii) Limestone is brought from Nandini mines 25 km. away from north of Bhilai.
(iii) Electricity is transmitted from Korba Thermal Power Station.

Question 10: (i) Where is the Bokaro Steel Plant located?
(ii) Describe any three facilities at the Bokaro Steel Plant.
Answer: (i) The Bokaro Steel Plant is located at Bokaro in Jharkhand. It is on the right bank of the Damodar river.
(ii) (a) Iron ore from Kiriburu mines in Orissa.
(b) Coal is brought from Jharia Coal fields located at a distance of 65 km.
(c) Limestone from Palamau and Dolomite from Bilaspur district.

Question 11: What are the facilities enjoyed by the Rourkela Steel Plant?
Answer: (i) Iron-ore is obtained from Bonaigarh and Mayurbhanj, Keonjhar and Noamundi.
(ii) HEP is secured from the Hirakud Power Project.
(iii) Coal is secured from Raniganj, Jharia, Talcher and Korba coal fields.

Question 12: Where does Rourkela Steel Plant get its raw material.
Answer: (i) Iron ore from Sundargarh and Keonjhar districts.
(ii) Coal from Jharia, Talcher and Korba coal fields.
(iii) Power from Hirakud Project.
(iv) Manganese from Barajmda, Dolomite from Baradwar and Himi mines in Madhya Pradesh and limestone from Birmitrapur.
(v) Water supply from Brahmani river.
(vi) Cheap labour available from nearby areas.

Question 13: Mention any two advantages does the Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant have over the other Steel plants in the public sector?
Answer: (i) Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant is a modem integrated Steel plant with the latest technology and some of the largest size units.
(ii) Vishakhapatnam’s modern protected harbour and deep land locked port facilitates import of raw materials and export of finished goods.

Question 14: Why are the Iron and Steel Industries concentrated in the Damodar valley region.
Iron and Steel industries are concentrated in the Damodar valley region due to:
Answer: (i) Easy availability of raw materials.
(ii) Provides abundant hydro-electricity.
(iii) It provides cheap labour from nearby states of Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal.

Question 15: What are the advantages of Petrochemical products?
Answer: Petrochemicals are cost effective, economically stable, cheaper as produced on a large scale. Its raw material is easily available. It is not dependent on agricultural raw material petrochemical products can replace natural and traditional raw materials (like wood, glass and metals) to:

Natural MaterialsPetrochemical Products
(i) Leather footwear.Plastic Chappals, synthetic footwear.
(ii) Natural rubber.Synthetic rubber.
(iii) Jute Fibre.Synthetic fibre.
(iv) Steel Pipes.PVC

Question 16: Mention two reasons for the development of the petrochemical industry in India.
Answer: The raw materials for the petrochemicals industry are cheaper. They are easily available and not dependent on the traditional raw materials like, metal, wood or agricultural products.

Question 17: Name three units for production of locomotives and coaches under the Ministry of Railways.
Answer: The three units for the production of locomotives and coaches under the Ministry of railways are:
(i) The Locomotive Works at Chittaranjan (West Bengal).
(ii) The Locomotive Works at Varanasi (U.P.).
(iii) The Integral Coach Factory at Perambur (near Chennai).

Question 18: What are the four basic requirements of automobile industry?
Answer: (i) Engineering raw material like steel, iron, leather or paint, etc.
(ii) Tools, machinery and other facilities for the running and maintenance of the factory.
(iii) Finished goods like plastic parts, tyres, tubes and batteries etc.
(iv) Coal and hydropower.

Question 19: State the importance of Electronics in the field of:
(i) Entertainment. (ii) Space technology.
Answer: (i) In the field of Entertainment, Electronics has resulted in:
(a) Development of software. (b) Production of audio system.
(c) Development of Television Industry.
(ii) In the field of Space technology, Electronics has resulted in:
(a) Communication (b) Weather forecast
(c) Space research.

Question 20: What industrial product are the following centres noted for?
(i) Gurgaon (ii) Perambur (iii) Chittaranjan.
Answer: Industrial products are:
(i) Gurgaon—Maruti car
(ii) Perambur—The Integral coach factory
(iii) Chittaranjan—Chittaranjan locomotive works.

Question 21: (i) State two geographical factors which were taken into consideration for the setting Up of the Durgapur Iron and Steel Plant.
(ii) Mention any one problem faced by the Iron and Steel Industry in India.
Answer: (i) Raw material availability and excellent transport facilities.
(ii) Declining raw material.

Question 22: What is the significance of the Electronics Industry in recent times?
Answer: Significance of electronic industry: It covers a wide range of products including television, transistor, cellular telecom, computers, defence, railways, meteorological equipment, space research as well as medical equipments. It has revolutionized the life style of the Indian masses in the recent past.

Long Questions

Question 1: (i) What do you mean by the term Industry?
(ii) With the help of an example each, explain, how ‘agro based’ industries are different from ‘mineral based’ industries?
Answer: (i) Any economic activity concerned with the production of goods, extraction of minerals, or tire provision of services is called industry.
(ii) Agro-based industries utilise agricultural products as raw material, e.g., sugar industry, jute industry.
Mineral based industries obtain their raw materials from mines and quarries like coals, iron-ore, bauxite, etc., Steel plants.

Question 2: (i) What role do mini steel plants play in India’s economy?
(ii) Mention the names of some mini Steel plants which are proposed, planned and operating projects.
(iii) Name the foreign collaborators of the following Iron and Steel plants:
Bhilai, Rourkela, Durgapur and Bokaro.
Answer: (i) Mini Steel plants use electric furnaces, thereby conserving coking coal and producing alloy Steel which meets the Steel requirements of far flung areas. They produce 3-5 million tonnes of Steel. Since they are located in industrial towns, the cost of transport is greatly reduced. They also have the advantage of less capital investment.
(ii) (a) A mini Steel plant at Solan near Shimla.
(b) Hospet in Karnataka is in the process of being planned carefully.
(c) Near Goa a proposed project.
(d) Chanda near Nagpur in Maharashtra is a proposed project.
(iii) The foreign collaborators for the above Steel plants are:
Bhilai Steel Plant: USSR (now Russia)
Rourkela Steel Plant: Germany Durgapur Steel Plant: Britain
Bokaro Steel Plant: USSR (now Russia)

Question 3: How is it advantageous for a mini steel plant:
(i) to use electric furnaces
(ii) not to be located close to the location of the raw material?
Answer: (i) Mini steel plants are small size steel plants having less production capacity of one lakh metric tonnes or less. They are also meant to produce liquid steel used for ingots, billets. They . therefore, do not require big furnaces as in the blast furnace.
(ii) They use scrap iron (iron that is left after the steel is manufactured). There is no need for them to be located near the location of the raw material. The government is going in for more such plants in various parts of the country which would help in meeting the steel requirements and bring about a more balanced growth.

Question 4: (i) What does IISCO stand for and where is it located?
(ii) Name the three basic raw materials required by the Steel plant and the places from where it gets each of them.
Answer: (i) IISCO stand for the Indian Iron and Steel Company. It is located at Bumpur and Kulti in West Bengal, 210 km. from Kolkata.
(ii) Iron-ore—Singhbhumi (Jharkhand) and Mayurbhanj (Orissa); Coal—Ramnagar, Raniganj and Jharia; Manganese—Balaghat and Birmitrapur; Limestone and Dolomite: Gangapur (Orissa).

Question 5: With reference to the Iron and Steel industry in India, give logical explanations for the following:
(i) The location of this industry is governed by its close proximity to raw material.
(ii) This industry is not found in western India.
(iii) Most of the ‘Iron and Steel’ plants are ‘public sector undertakings’.
(iv) Mini Steel plants are becoming more popular.
Answer: (i) The location of this industry is governed by its close proximity to raw material because due to the bulky nature of the raw material and the large quantities in which they are needed, a high cost of transportation is involved.
(ii) This industry is not found in Western India because of unavailability of raw material.
(iii) Most of the Iron and Steel plants are public sector undertakings because it requires large capital investment, machinery and needs research facilities.
(iv) Since mini Steel plants are smaller in size, they can be conveniently located in industrial towns to meet the special Steel requirements, this reduces transport cost.
It utilises scrap iron from big Steel plant as raw material and thus help in recycling and does not need huge capital investment.

Question 6: With reference to Tata Iron and Steel Company, answer the following;
(i) When and where was it set up?
(ii) From where does it gets its supply of Iron-ore, coal, limestone and manganese?
Answer: (i) In 1907, in Jamshedpur.
(ii) Iron-ore: Singhbhumi, Mayurbhanj.
Coal: Jharia’and Raniganj.
Limestone.: Gangapur (Orissa).
Manganese: Noamandi.

Question 7: With reference to Visveswaraya Iron and Steel Ltd., answer the following:
(i) Name the state in which it is located.
(ii) From where does it get iron ore and power supply?
Answer: (i) Visveswaraya Iron and Steel Ltd. is located in Mysore state.
(ii) (1) It gets its iron supply from Kemmangundi mines (Chikmaglur district)
(2) Power supply from:
(a) Charcoal from nearby forests of Malnad area.
(b) Electricity is obtained from the Jog Hydroelectricity and Shravati Power Project.

Question 8: (i) Define the term Heavy Industries,
(ii) State the importance of the heavy engineering industries in the industrial development of India.
(iii) Mention two main requirements of heavy engineering industries.
Answer: (i) The industries which require heavy and bulky raw material, enormous amount of power, huge investment and large transport cost are called Heavy Industries.
(ii) The importance of heavy engineering industries lies in the fact that these provide various types of semi-finished or finished goods for small scale and other subsidiary industries.
(iii) Heavy engineering industries require:
(a) Heavy and bulky raw material.
(b) Enormous amount of power.

Question 9: Mention the facilities required by the ship-building industry.
Answer: The ship-building industry necessitates the facilities of:
(i) Deep navigable water (on the coast itself) or on a river or inlet.
(ii) A large area level land close by.
(iii) Nearness to sources of raw material.
(iv) Cheap and technically skilled labour, and
(v) Coastal demands of Vessels.

Question 10: How did electronic industry develop in India? What are its diversified field now?
Answer: Electronic industry developed in India in 1950. It started with the manufacturing of radio sets and now it has spread all over India in various diversified fields such as defence equipment’s, medical diagnosis, communication, information technology, computer system, space exploration. Indian hardware and software is in great demand world wide.

Give Reasons

Give Geographical Reasons for the following:

Question 1: Give two reasons favouring the location of Iron and Steel Plant in north-eastern Deccan.
Answer: (i) Availability of iron ore, manganese, coal, limestone in close nearness since transportation of these bulky material would require a lot of money.
(ii) Iron and Steel industry is a labour intensive industry. Jharkhand, Bihar and U. P. of India are densely populated and cheap labour available.

Question 2: Explain three reasons as to why there is a large concentration of iron and steel plants in the Chhota Nagpur Region.
Answer: Three reasons for large concentration of iron and steel plant in Chhota Nagpur region are:
(i) Availability of raw iron ore
(ii) Availability of coal for power
(iii) Availability of cheap labour

Question 3: Most of the petrochemical units are in Maharashtra or Gujarat. Give two reasons to explain why?
Answer: Most of the petrochemical units are in Maharashtra or Gujarat because:
(i) This Industry is normally located near an oil refinery which can supply its basic requirements of Naphtha or Ethylene and Benzene. These chemicals are required for manufacturing a large variety of articles. Trombay in Maharashtra, Kosamba and Koyali in Gujarat are big oil refineries.
(ii) Maharashtra and Gujarat are big industrial centres so the demand and supply both can be carried out easily.

Question 4: Mention two reasons why petrochemical products are replacing traditional raw materials.
Answer: Petrochemicals are replacing traditional raw materials because they are quite cheap economical and stable not dependent on agricultural raw material therefore traditional raw material are being replaced by petrochemical products as:
(i) Leather footwear (Natural material) can be replaced by Plastic chappals and synthetic footwear (Petrochemical Product).
(ii) Cloth and Jute bags (Natural material) can be replaced by Polythene bags (Petrochemical Product).

Question 5: Mini steel plants cause less pollution than integrated steel plants.
Answer: Mini steel plants work through electric furnaces causing less pollution whereas the integrated steel plant use blast furnace where cake coal are fed continuously to melt the iron ore, causing huge pollution.

Question 6: Explain why Vishakhapatnam has become an important ship-building centre.
Answer: Vishakhapatnam has an important ship-building centre because there has been a large area of level land, deep navigable water, cheap and technically skilled labour are easily available.

Question 7: Give reason why the development of ship-building industry has been retarded in India.
Answer: Due to shortage of Steel, machinery, equipment, skilled technical labour, proper space and good harbour.

Question 8: Why has the electronics industry grown in importance?
Answer: The electronic products like telephone and internet services have made communication easy and fast so the demand for such commodities is high. Industrial and technological development has also increased the demand for electronic products. It does wonders in the field of entertainment, defence equipment and medical diagnosis.

Question 9: The electronic industry has made an impact on both entertainment and education.
Answer: Electronic industry with mass scale integration process has produced computers, servers, displays, TVs and cameras, telephones exchanges etc., to enable capture and broadcast news, advertisements, cinema, educational program etc., to large section of the population over the country and overseas, thus revolutionising the life style of the Indian masses.

Question 10: Give two geographical reasons for the growth of IT industries in Bangalore.
Answer: The growth of IT industries in Bangalore is due to:
(i) Readily available world class IT infrastructure.
(ii) High concentration of IT companies and quality research and development institution.

Question 11: Mention two reasons for the importance of the Electronic industry in India’s development.
Answer: Electronic industry is important for India’s development:
(i) Electronic industry is a fast growing industry. It started with radio manufacturing and now has entered in almost all the fields such as, space exploration, defence equipment’s, medical diagnosis, communication, information technology, computer systems. India is growing faster and competing with the world because of the development of Electronic industry in various fields.
(ii) Indian hardware and software is in great demand in the world.

Question 12: Give reasons why tree plantation is essential in and around heavy industrial areas.
Answer: Tree plantation is essential in and around heavy industrial area because these are the major air polluted and noise-polluted areas, and tree reduces the level of pollution and keep the balance of environment.


Question 1: Natural Materials and Petrochemical Product

Natural MaterialsPetrochemical Product
1. Leather footwearPlastic chappals, synthetic footwear
2. Natural RubberSynthetic rubber
3. Jute fibreSynthetic fibre
4. Steel PipesPVC

Question 2: What is the difference between a public sector industry and one which is in the private sector? Give an example of an industry in each of the two sectors.

Public SectorPrivate Section
Public sector industries are owned and controlled by the Central or State Governments e.g. iron and steel, aircraft, petroleum refineries.Private sector industries are owned and managed by private industrialists as joint stock companies or proprietary concerns e.g. cement, paper, textiles.

Name the Following

Question 1: Name some iron and Steel plants centres.
Answer: Some centres of Iron and Steel plants are at Jamshedpur, Bhadravati, Rourkela, Bokaro and at Neyveli in South.

Question 2: Name the four centres of iron and Steel in the public sector which are located in a single geographical region. With whose collaboration was each one of them set-up?
Name the foreign collaborators of the following Iron and Steel plants:
Bhilai, Rourkela, Durgapur and Bokaro.
Answer: Bhilai: Russia.
Rourkela: Germany.
Durgapur: U.K.
Bokaro: Russia.

Question 3: Name the Steel projects in the public sector which were not set up with foreign collaboration.
Answer: The Visvesvaraya Iron and Steel Plant at Bhadravati in Karnataka and the Indian Iron and Steel Company at Burnpur and Kulti in West Bengal.

Question 4: Name the international firm that has helped the Rourkela Steel Plant.
Answer: The Rourkela Steel Plant at Rourkela in northern Orissa has been developed with the help of West German firm of Krupps and Demag.

Question 5: Name the river that supplies water to this plant.
Answer: A dam across the Sankh (tributary of river Brahmani) ensures the supply of water throughout the year to this plant.

Question 6: Where is it located?
Answer: It is situated in the Sundargarh District of north Orissa.

Question 7: Name one iron-ore project in Tamil Nadu and one in Karnataka.
Answer: Salem Steel Plant in Tamil Nadu and Kudremukh iron-ore project in Karnataka.

Question 8: Name one Iron and Steel city from each of the four states:
(i) Jharkhand, (ii) Chhattisgarh,
(iii) Orissa, (iv) West Bengal.
Answer: (i) Jamshedpur, (ii) Bhilai,
(iii) Rourkela, (iv) Durgapur.

Question 9: Name four petrochemical products.
Answer: Four petrochemical products are:
(a) Synthetic fibre (b) Synthetic rubber
(c) Plastic ware (d) PVC

Question 10: Name one important centre of production for each of the following:
(i) Diesel Locomotive (ii) Air Craft (iii) Ship building
Answer: (i) Varanasi (ii) Bangalore (iii) Vishakhapatnam.

Question 11: Name one important centre each for the production of the following:
(i) Tractors (ii) Electronic goods (iii) Petro chemicals.
Answer: (i) Tractors—Faridabad (ii) Electronic goods—Bangalore
(iii) Petro chemicals—Haldia.

Question 12: Which city is known as the electronic capital of India?
Answer: Bangalore is known as the electronic capital of India.
Bangalore and Hyderabad: Software industry.

Question 13: Name any two major centres of electronic products.
Answer: Mumbai, Kolkata: (Entertainment) TV, BPL, Videocon, Onida, Philips, CD based system, Car audio system etc.

Question 14: A product of the heavy engineering industry.
Answer: Coal mining machines.

Question 15: Two petrochemical units.
Answer: Trombay, Vadodara.

Question 16: A centre of the silk industry.
Answer: Murshidabad.

Question 17: A city in India where MIG aircraft are manufactured.
Answer: Nasik.

Question 18: A centre where railway coaches are manufactured.
Answer: Perambur.

Question 19: The foreign collaborator of the iron and steel plant at Durgapur.
Answer: British Company.

Question 20: Give one important centre of production of each of the following:
(i) Integral Coach Factory (ICF)
(ii) Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. (BHEL)
(iii) The Hindustan Machine Tools (HMT)
Answer: (i) Integral Coach Factory (ICF): Perambur (near Chennai)
(ii) Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd. (BHEL): Ranipur (Haridwar)
(iii) The Hindustan Machine Tools (HMT): Banglore (Karnataka)

Question 21: Name two cities that have leading Software Companies.
Answer: Two cities are Bengaluru and Pune.

Question 22: Name the steel plants that were set up with Russian collaboration.
Answer: Two steel plants are:
(i) Bokaro (ii) Bhilai

Question 23: Name a manufacturing centre for each of the following industries:
(i) Engines for MIG aircraft (ii) Diesel locomotives
(iii) Software.
Answer: (i) Engines for MIG air Craft—Koraput in Orissa.
(ii) Diesel locomotives—Chittaranjan in West Bengal.
(iii) Software—Bangalore in Karnataka.

Question 24: Name four important ship-building yards.
Answer: Four important ship-building yards are:
(i) The Hindustan Shipyard at Vishakhapatnam.
(ii) The Garden Reach Workshop at Kolkata.
(iii) The Mazagaon Dock at Mumbai.
(iv) The Cochin Shipyard at Kochi.

Question 25: Name the Electronic Industries of India.
Answer: (i) Bharat Electronic Ltd. (BEL).
(ii) The Indian Telephone Industries (ITI).
(iii) The Electronic Corporation of India Ltd. (ECIL).

Question 26: Name two petrochemical units.
Answer: Trombay, and Digboi Oil Company in Assam.

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UNIT- 1: Teaching Aptitude (NTA NET / TN SET)

  Teaching Aptitude கற்பித்தல் திறன் (Teaching Aptitude) மற்றும் அதன் கூறுகள் கற்பித்தல் திறன் என்பது ஒரு நல்ல ஆசிரியராக இருக்க தேவையான திறன...