Monday, September 28, 2020

Geography Lesson 9

Very Short Questions

Question 1: Mention the pattern of economy which India has adopted.
Answer: India has adopted a pattern of mixed economy.

Question 2: Mention one major problem of the small scale industry.
Answer: Due to poverty and ignorance of the village people, their method and techniques of production are outdated.

Question 3: What is the another name to Khadi and Village industries?
Answer: Khadi and Village industries are also known as cottage industries.

Question 4: What are public sector industries?
Answer: Industries owned and managed completely by the state or its agencies are called public sector industries, e.g., Chittaranjan Locomotive Works.

Question 5: What are private sector industries?
Answer: Industries which are owned by individuals are called private sector industries, e.g., Tata Iron and Steel Plant.

Question 6: What is meant by ‘agro-industry’?
Answer: Industries that depend on agricultural products for their raw materials are called agroindustries.

Question 7: Where was the first sugar industry set up in India?
Answer: The first sugar industry was set up in 1903 at Coimbatore in South India.

Question 8: Mention the areas producing sugar in Southern India.
Answer: Maharashtra is the most important sugar producing state of South India. The other important sugar producers of South India are Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Question 9: What do you understand by the bagasse?
Answer: Rejected cane after crushing is used for the manufacture of paper, cardboard and insulation board.

Question 10: What are the uses of pressmud?
Answer: It is used for polish, carbon paper and for the extraction of wax.

Question 11: What are the raw materials needed by the textile industry?
Answer: Cotton, jute, silk and wool are the basic raw materials of the textile industry.

Question 12: When and where did the first modem textile industry in India begin?
Answer: The first modem textile industry in India began at Fort Gloster near Kolkata in early nineteenth century.

Question 13: Which is the second most important cotton-textile centre of India?
Answer: Ahmedabad is the second most important cotton textile centre of India.

Question 14: Which town in Gujarat is known as ‘Boston of India’?
Answer: Ahmedabad.

Question 15: What is the single disadvantage faced by Kolkata for cotton textile production?
Answer: The only disadvantage is that the raw material has to be brought from the distant cotton growing areas of the Deccan Plateau, is the problem faced by Kolkata.

Question 16: How is silk fibre-derived and where are silk worms reared?
Answer: Silk fibre is derived from the cocoons made by silk worms. Silk worms are reared on mulberry trees.

Question 17: What position does India rank, as producer of silk in the world?
Answer: India ranks fourth in the world as a producer of silk.

Question 18: Explain why the pure silk handloom industry is important in Bangalore?
Answer: Mulberry trees are grown in large quantity for the feeding of silkworms in Karnataka and therefore, the pure silk handloom industry has developed here.

Question 19: State two factors which favour the silk industry in Karanataka.
Answer: The tropical humid climate with temperature varying between 16° to 31 °C favours the rearing of silk worms. Modem technology and skilled labour favours industrial production.

Short Questions

Question 1: Explain the need for rapid industrialization in India.
Answer: Rapid industrialization helps to provide employment, enables the masses to raise their standard of living and also necessary from the point of view of defenses. It reduces India’s dependence on foreign countries.

Question 2: Classify the industries on the basis of size and investment.
Answer: On the basis of size and investment, industries are classified into:
(i) Large-scale industries
(ii) Medium-scale industries
(iii) Small-scale industries

Question 3: Classify the industries on the basis of management.
Answer: Industries classified on the basis of management are as follows:
(i) Public sector industries (ii) Private sector industries
(iii) Joint sector industries (iv) Co-operative sector industries.

Question 4: What is a large scale industry?
Answer: A large scale industry is an industrial unit employing thousands of labourers and having huge: capital investment for producing industrial goods on a large scale, such as iron and steel plant, a cotton mill and a cement factory.

Question 5: What is a medium scale industry?
Answer: A medium scale industry is an industrial unit employing hundreds of labourers and investing enough capital for turning out industrial product on a moderate scale, such as electrical goods industry, paper industry, etc.

Question 6: What do you know about the Khadi and Village industries?
Answer: Khadi and Village industry runs as a household enterprise, employing little or no hired labour.
It is of traditional nature, and depends on local raw material and cater to the local requirements.

Question 7: With the help of an example each, explain how ‘agro-based’ industries are different from ‘mineral based’ industries.
Answer: Industries based on agricultural products are called agro-based industries.
Industries based on minerals are called mineral-based industries.
Example of agro-based industry is sugar from sugarcane, jute, and cotton.
Example of mineral-based industry is steel from iron ore.

Question 8: (i) What are village industries?
(ii) What are cottage industries?
Answer: (i) Village industries are industries which are located in rural areas and primarily cater to local markets, e.g., handicraft industry, Khadi industry, cane-gur industry.
(ii) Cottage industries are carried on primarily with the help of the family members e.g. wood work, coir industry, khadi, carpets, etc.

Question 9: With reference to the industries of India, explain:
(i) Joint Sector Industries
(ii) Co-operative Industries
Answer: (i) Joint sector industries are owned and managed jointly by the government and private firms who have contributed their capital but the day-to-day management is in private hands.
(ii) Co-operative industries are owned and run co-operatively by a group of people who usually produce the raw material, e.g., sugar mills are owned and run by farmers producing sugarcane.

Question 10: What efforts are being made by the government to help village industries?
Answer: The Government has set up a number of agencies to help the village industries. Among them the small scale industries—the Khadi and Village industries, and The All India Handicrafts Board are most important. Credit facilities are made available from banks and financial institutions.

Question 11: How far does the sugar region extend in Northern India?
Answer: The sugar region of Northern India extends to east-west on the plains of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Both Uttar Pradesh and Bihar account for 40% of India’s sugar output. The other sugar producing states of Northern India are Haryana, West Bengal, Punjab and Madhya Pradesh.

Question 12: Mention two problems faced by the Sugar industry in India.
Answer: (i) This industry is seasonal in character.
(ii) There are great distances between the factories and fields.

Question 13: (i) Mention some problems of cotton textile industry.
Mention two problems faced by the cotton textile industry.
Mention three main problems faced by the cotton textile industry in India.
(ii) What do you mean by the term sick mills?
Answer: (i) Some problems of cotton textile industries are inadequate supply of raw material, machinery is outdated, existence of uneconomic units and low productivity of workers.
(ii) The term sick mills means that these operate at a loss rather than at profits.

Question 14: With reference to the cotton textile industry:
(i) Which is the country’s most important manufacturing centre?
(ii) State two geographical reasons for its importance.
Answer: (i) Mumbai.
(ii) (a) The hinterland of Mumbai has black Regur soil.
(b) The humid climate of Mumbai favours the production of yams of finer quality.

Question 15: What are the requirements of the woollen industry?
Answer: (i) Wool, wool waste, rags.
(ii) Plentiful supply of clean water for scouring of the wool and for dyeing and ‘falling’ purposes.

Question 16: Where is Mulberry and Non-mulberry silk produced?
They are produced:
(i) Mulberry: Karnataka, West Bengal, Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.
(ii) Non-mulberry: Assam, Bihar, Orissa, Meghalaya, Jharkhand.

Long Questions

Question 1: Mention two ways in which the agro-based industries have affected the economy of India.
Answer: The agro-based industries have affected the economy of India in following ways:
(i) These industries have reached a stage of development, that it has made the country self-sufficient as far as a number of products and services are concerned, it has also opened up the opportunities for exports.
(ii) Agro based industries have also reduced the dependency on agriculture and has provided various job opportunities for the people and also encouraged the private sector which has restructured the economy of India. Now India is no more an agricultural country but it is taking place of a major industrial country.

Question 2: How are industries classified on the basis of raw material?
Answer: Industries classified on the basis of raw material are as follows:
(i) Agro-based industries: These industries utilise agricultural products as their raw material.
(ii) Mineral-based industries: They obtain their raw materials from mines like coal, iron ore, bauxite etc.
(iii) Forest-based industries: They obtain their raw material from forests like teak, sal, rosewood etc.

Question 3: (i) What is a small scale industry?
(ii) State two advantages and two disadvantages of small scale industry.
Answer: (i) A small scale industry is comparatively a small unit employing less than a hundred labourers and using small machines. These are generally concerned with production of consumer goods of daily use, i.e., flour mill, rice mill, bakery, etc.
(ii) Advantages:
(a) They provide employment to the people.
(b) They do not require much capital.
(a) There is no proper marketing organisation to sell their products.
(b) The poor village artisans are exploited by the money-lenders on whom they have to depend for the purchase of raw materials.

Question 4: Mention some problems faced by small-scale and cottage industries.
Answer: Some problems faced by small-scale and cottage industries are:
(i) Outmoded methods and techniques.
(ii) Inadequate financial resources.
(iii) Poverty and ignorance.
(iv) Competition from large-scale industries.
(v) Improper marketing organization.
(vi) Exploitation by moneylender and middle man.

Question 5: Mention three factors that have helped the sugar industry flourish in the peninsular region rather than in the northern regions of India.
Answer: The geographical conditions are more suitable in the peninsular region than in North India for the cultivation of sugarcane.
The crushing season is longer and mills are near the plantation in the peninsular region and so there is no loss of sucrose. In North India is seasonal in character as sugarcane is available only at the time of harvest and the crushing season is short. So, there is increase in cost of production.
The sugar industry is better organised in the peninsular region as the mills are better managed in the cooperative sector, factories are nearer the centre of large consumption. This lowers the transport cost and overall prices. In North India, there are great distances between the factories and the fields which causes increase in the cost of production.
The outmoded and worn-out machinery of North Indian mills lead to lo;w milling efficiency and wastages. The mills in peninsular India are new, efficient and very large.

Question 6: Mention some problems of sugarcane industry.
Answer: Some problems of sugarcane industry are:
(i) Shorter crushing season.
(ii) The areas producing sugarcane are generally far away from the factories.
(iii) The sugarcane crop is of poor quality.
(iv) The yield of crop is low due to outdated machinery.
(v) Full use of the by-product is not made. Production of rum and alcohol is meagre.

Question 7: Name the factors which have made Mumbai the most important cotton-manufacturer of India.
Give two reasons why the cotton textile industry has developed around Mumbai.
Why has Mumbai a large number of cotton textile units.
Answer: Factors which have made Mumbai the most important cotton manufacturer of India are:
(i) Availability of raw cotton,
(ii) Transport facilities,
(iii) Humid climate,
(iv) Cheap hydel power,
(v) Facility of abundant labour,
(vi) Demand of manufactured goods,
(vii) Port facility, and
(viii) Facilities of capital.

Question 8: What are the problems of the Flandloom industry?
Answer: The handloom industry faces several problems which retard its growth. The problems may be summarized as follows:
(i) Lack of Good Raw Materials: The quantity, quality and availability of raw material is very unreliable and unsatisfactory.
(ii) Lack of Technical Knowledge: The craftsmen are poor and lacking in technical knowledge to modernize their equipment.
(iii) Lack of Capital and Credit Facilities: There are no proper facilities for cheap credit.
(iv) Outdated Looms: The looms are outdated and the products do not satisfy the changing tastes and fashions.
(v) Competition from mill-made cloth: The khadi and handloom products face stiff competition from mill-made cloth.
(vi) Maintenance of Standard Quality: The industry is unable to maintain the standard and quality of its products.
(vii) Maintenance of time schedule: The marketing of Khadi and handloom products is not organised.

Question 9: (i) What is sericulture?
(ii) Name two types of sericulture.
(iii) Name non mulberry varieties of raw silk produced in India. Which state is the largest producer of raw silk?
(iv) Why is silk industry a labour intensive industry?
(v) How this industry plays a vital role in improvement of rural economy?
Answer: (i) The art of rearing silkworms for silk production is called ‘sericulture’.
(ii) They are Mulberry and non-mulberry.
(iii) Eri, tassar and muga silk are the non-mulberry varieties of raw silk. Karnataka is the largest producer of raw silk.
(iv) As silk industry is an agricultural industry and therefore, provides employment to people in rural areas.
(v) It provides ample work for the women folk in rearing while the male members work in the fields.

Question 10: Explain briefly Silviculture. What is its purpose?
Answer: Silviculture means timber farming, i.e., growing trees for timber. It can be defined as the science of cultivating trees. The ground is first cleared of all vegetation, well-drained and then seedlings of species are grown in the nurseries before planting. A part of the land is planted with the same species at the same time, so that all the trees mature together and make clear-cutting possible. Foresters make use of the science of genetics to have improved growth rates and resistant to diseases and pests.
Thus, the goal of getting a correct balance between the annual harvest and the growth of wood is achieved and we get a sustained yield of timber.

Question 11: Why is the silk industry considered as a small scale industry?
Answer: Silk industry is considered as a small scale industry because
(i) Rearing of the silk worm is taken up as a cottage industry where a village or few families together are involved in it.
(ii) Silk industry depends on the availability of the raw material, being expensive the demand is not as big as cotton textile so the manufacturing of silk is kept as a small scale industry.

Question 12: What are the problems of the woollen industry?
Answer: (i) Local wool is of poor quality and India has to import good quality wool. This will bring down the margin of profit.
(ii) Synthetic fibres have affected the industry since they are gradually replacing the woollen industry.
(iii) The woollen industry is scattered and in a decentralized form. So the mill-owners are unable to take advantage of a centralized form of industry.
(iv) India has to import wool from Australia land U.K. which have also started manufacturing woollen cloth.

Question 13: What are the factors that favour the location of jute industry in the Ganga-Brahmaputra delta?
Answer: (i) Friable, loamy, alluvial soils, preferable rich in salts.
(ii) Bengal which lies in the Ganga-Bhrahmaputra delta has the advantage that it gets flooded and a fresh layer of alluvial soil is deposited every year. Jute is a crop that exhausts the soil and hence it requires manure and fertilizers in large quantities.
(iii) Good rainfall of 175-200 cm and plenty of clean water for retting.
(iv) Cheap labour.
(v) Coal which is available in Raniganj.
(vi) Kolkata port is nearby for export purposes.
(vii) The Ganga-Brahmaputra delta and its distributaries provide good means of transport of the raw jute to the manufacturing centres which are connected to Kolkata by railway and road.

Question 14: What are the problems of jute industry?
Answer: (i) Problems of raw material: After Independence 70% of the jute producing areas went to Bangladesh. Thus the jute industry suffers from inadequate supply of raw jute.
(ii) Competition from Bangladesh: Besides Philippines, Brazil, Egypt have also.taken up jute industry.
(iii) Competition from substitutes: like paper, cloth, sisal, hemp.
(iv) Machinery is outdated and labour problems.

Question 15: Give three remedial steps the gbvemment has taken to overcome these problems.
Answer: (i) New and modern machines have been installed.
(ii) Efforts have been made to stabilise the process and to boost the sale of jute to foreign countries.
(iii) A research programme has been undertaken to find new uses like, tarpaulin, jute carpets, etc.
(iv) A Jute Consultative Council has been set up to advise the Government on the jute industry.

Question 16: What are the remedial steps taken by the Government to address these problems?
Answer: Several measures were taken under the five year plans, by the government to improve handloom industry:

  1. All India Handloom Board was established for looking after the interests of handloom industry.
  2. Khadi and Village Industry Commission looks after propagation of Khadi and various products of village industries.
  3. Handloom Board and Handicrafts Boards have also been established in various states. They take steps to solve the problems of the small scale and cottage industries.
  4. Credit facilities are made available from banks and financial institutions.
  5. Indian Standard Institute has devised methods to fix up and maintain standard quality.
  6. The government has reserved certain products for handloom sector, so that competition from mill-made products may be avoided.
  7. The government helps the handloom and Khadi industry by extending subsidies out of the revenue earned by a special cess on mill-made cloth.
  8. There are technical institutions, which render technical advice and guidance to handloom and other cottage industries.

Question 17: What is ‘Lac’? How is it procured? Describe its commercial importance. Name two centres for the purification of lac.
Answer: Lac is a gum-like substance which is gathered from the branches of several trees like Banyan, Sisu, Ghont, Pipal, Khair. An insect known by the name of ‘Laccifer-lacca’ breeds on the branches of these trees and it ejects a secretion from its mouth. This secretion when it dries, sticks to the branches and is collected by the forest-dwellers. It is then purified and turned into ‘shellac’ or ‘seed-lac’, which is the raw material for plastics, insulators, felt-hats, sealing wax, paints and varnishes. Kolkata and Mirzapur are two big centres for its purification. Lac brings in . lot of foreign exchange.

Question 18: How is silk fibre derived and where are silk worms reared?
Answer: Silk fibre is derived from the cocoons made by silk worms. Silk worms are reared on mulberry trees.

Question 19: State two factors which favour the silk industry in Karanataka.
Answer: The tropical humid climate with temperature varying between 16° to 31 °C favours the rearing of silk worms. Modem technology and skilled labour favours industrial production.

Give Reasons

Give Geographical Reasons for the following:

Question 1: Why is the sugar industry highly dispersed in India?
Answer: Sugar industry is highly dispersed in India because sugarcane is widely cultivated throughout the country.

Question 2: Why is it necessary to crush sugarcane within 24 hours of harvesting?
Answer: The cane has to be crushed within 24 hours, otherwise the sucrose content begins to deteriorate.

Question 3: Give reasons for the recent growth of sugar industry in South India.
Answer: In Southern India plenty of water is available due to heavy rainfall. There is no frost and no water logging. Black or regur soil is suitable for sugarcane cultivation. The crushing season is longer and mills are near the plantations so there is no loss of sucrose near to the sea.

Question 4: Give reasons for the concentration of the sugar industry in Uttar Pradesh.
Answer: The concentration of the sugar industry in Uttar Pradesh is due to:
(i) Availability of the raw material. Uttar Pradesh lies in the sugar cane producing area and is the largest producer of it as this area has fertile alluvial-soil.
(ii) Well maintained roads, good network of railways help in transportation, which is very essential in the case of sugar industry.

Question 5: What is the reason behind the unsatisfactory location of the sugar industry in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar?
Answer: These states have a sub-tropical climate, which are not ideal for the growing of sugarcane.

Question 6: Why Uttar Pradesh and Bihar states create problems in the sugar industry?
Answer: These states create problems of distribution and increase the ultimate price of sugar to the consumer.

Question 7: What are the reasons behind the localization of the sugar industry in Bihar and Uttair Pradesh:
Give two reasons to show why the sugar industry has flourished in U.P. and Bihar.
U.P. produces 40% of India’s sugar.
Answer: The largest quantity of sugarcane is produced in northern belt, railway facilities are available, skilled labour can be secured as these states are densely populated and Kanpur is the chief distributing and marketing centre for the sugar industry in India. Coal for power is easily available from Jharia in Bihar. Climate and soil are favourable.

Question 8: Why is sugar industry considered as major agro-industry?
Answer: Sugar industry employs about 3-25 lakh workers and provide direct employment for 25 million cultivators of sugarcane, capital invested in this industry is about Rs. 13,500 million, and is an important source of excise duty for the Central Government.

Question 9: “Cotton is an important commercial crop in India but its share in the world production is less than 10%” Why?
Answer: Cotton is an important commercial crop in India. At present, India is the fourth largest cotton producing country in the world but its share in the world production is less than 10 per cent because of the low yield per hectare.

Question 10: Why is Kanpur called the ‘Manchester of North India’?
Answer: Kanpur is a city, which is located centrally in the Ganga basin. This city has developed as an industrial centre and is famous for cotton textile industry. There are seventeen big cotton-textile mills in the city. It is therefore the biggest centre of cotton textile industry in north India. This is why Kanpur is called the ‘Manchester of North India’.

Question 11: Ahmedabad is not a port city, yet it is the most important cotton-textile centre of India. Why?
Answer: Ahmedabad is located very near to the main cotton growing region of Khandesh, Berar and Wardha. It enjoys the facilities of efficient transport systems, cheap hydroelectric power, abundant supply of cheap labour and humid climate. It is located in a spacious coastal plain area and it has a good scope for the expansion of this industry.

Question 12: Why is Kolkata an important cotton textile producing centre?
Answer: Kolkata is an important cotton textile producing centre mainly because of its being near Jharia and Raniganj coal fields and it has sufficient power supply. It has an abundant capital supply, inexpensive labour, etc. A humid climate facilitates the spinning of yam of finer counts. It has excellent means of transport and communication. Besides, the soft water supply from the Hoogly river for bleaching and dyeing is plentiful.

Question 13: Give two reasons why Tamil Nadu plays an important role in the production of cotton textiles?
Answer: (i) Most of them manufacture yam only to meet the needs of handloom weavers.
(ii) It also has proximity to vast local market, availability of cheap skilled labour and hydel power.

Question 14: What makes Khadi and Handloom sector of the textile still very important even in this modem large scale industrial era? Give reasons to substantiate your answer?
Give two reasons to explain why cottage industries are important for India’s economy.
The “Khadi and Handloom sectors of the textile industry cannot be ignored.” Give two reasons to justify this statement.
Give one reason why handloom industry is important in India?
Answer: It is as widespread as agriculture, employs ten million people specializes in the production of colourful, attractive variety of traditional materials, foreign exchange earner as there is a great demand for it, solves unemployment, is a family effort, located in the home of the producer and is often a subsidiary occupation.

Question 15: Silk industry can be considered a small scale industry.
Answer: Silk does not require heavy machinery and can be done by the members of the family. Besides, the rearing of silk worms is done by women folk.

Question 16: Give two reasons for the importance of the silk industry in India.
Answer: (i) India is the largest producer of silk in the world and has long tradition of manufacturing silk textile.
(ii) It also make four distinct variety of silk namely mulberry, eri, tasar and munga. India also has its control over yellow munga silk produced from Assam.

Question 17: The silk handloom industry is important in Mysore.
Answer: Climate is favourable for rearing silkworm, availability of abundant soft water free from alkaline salts and iron.

Question 18: Sericulture flourished in Karnataka.
Answer: Sericulture flourished in Karnataka because it has favourable climate for rearing silk-worms (Temp. 16°C to 30°C) and availability of abundant soft water free from alkaline salts.

Question 19: Why is the woollen textile industry not as well developed as the cotton textile industry in India?
Answer: Woollen textile industry is not as well developed as the cotton textile industry’ in India because India being a tropical country, the need for woollens is limited to the winter months in northern India.

Question 20: The woollen industry is not as well developed as the cotton textile industry in India.
The woollen industry is mainly located in North India.
Answer: (i) There is no demand as India in mainly a tropical country except for the North which has severe winter.
(ii) Local wool is of poor quality. India has to import good quality wool.

Question 21: Give two reasons why the state of Punjab is the largest producer of wollen textiles.
Answer: Punjab is the largest producer of woollen textiles because:
(i) Raw materials is easily available.
(ii) Hydel power is available from Bhakra Nangal Project.
(iii) Demand for product is high because of the cold winter.

Question 22: Give three reasons why Jute industry thrives in West Bengal.
Answer: (i) Friable, loamy, alluvial soils, preferable rich in salts.
(ii) Bengal which lies in the Ganga-Bhrahmaputra delta has the advantage that it gets flooded and a fresh layer of alluvial soil is deposited every year. Jute is a crop that exhausts the soil and hence it requires manure and fertilizers in large quantities.
(iii) Good rainfall of 175-200 cm and plenty of clean water for retting.


Question 1: Basic and Secondary Industries.
Answer: Basic industries are the industries on which other industries depend while secondary industries are those industries which produce goods for consumption. Basic industries are also known as key industries while secondary industries are also called consumer industries.

Question 2: Heavy Industries and Light Industries.

Heavy IndustriesLight Industries
1. Require heavy machinery with raw material in large quantities.Light raw materials are required.
2. Engage many skilled workers. Women and children are generally not employed.Engage few workers. Women and children are also employed.
3. Huge capital is required.Less capital is required.
4. Finished products are heavy in weight, e.g., iron and steel, cotton textiles, fertilizers, locomotives and automobiles.Finished products are light in weight, e.g., drugs, pharmaceuticals, electrical appliances.

Name the Following

Question 1: Name some industries which come under Agro Based Industry.
Answer: Khadi (cotton woollen and silk), processing of pulses and cereals, village oil, gur and khandsari, soap making, non-edible oils, bee-keeping, handmade paper, carpentry, coir products, ivory carvings, etc.

Question 2: Name the leading agro-based industries of India.
Answer: The leading agro-based industries of India are cotton textile industry, woollen industry, silk industry, rayon textiles and jute industry.

Question 3: Name three by-products of sugar industry. Give important use of each.
Name a by-product of sugar manufacture.
Answer: Some by-products of sugar industry are molasses for fertilizers, bagasse for paper industry- and pressmud for making wax.

Question 4: Name the types of sugar made from sugarcane juice.
Answer: (i) Gur or jaggery (ii) Khandsari (iii) White sugar.

Question 5: Name the second largest agro-based industry in India.
Answer: Sugar industry.

Question 6: Name the states producing sugar and name the chief centres in each state.
Name four sugar milling centres in the northern plains.

StateChief Centres of Sugar Industry
Uttar PradeshGorakhpur, Saharanpur, Lucknow, Kanpur, Sitapur, Allahabad, Bareilly.
BiharMuzaffarpur, Monger, Darbhanga.
MaharashtraManmad, Sholapur, Nasik, Ahmednagar, Kolhapur, Miraj, Pune, Satara, Sangli.
Andhra PradeshVijayawada, Nizamabad, Pithapuram, Hyderabad.
Tamil NaduArcot, Madurai, Tiruchirapalli.
West BengalMurshidabad, 24-Pargana Madia.
PunjabAmritsar, Phagwara.

Question 7: Name two textile industries using animal fibres. Write against each one of them an important centre of the respective industry.

Animal fibresImportant Centres
Silk industryKashmir; Karnataka—Bangalore and Mysore.
Woollen industryPunjab and Haryana—Dhariwal, Amritsar, Ludhiana; Uttar Pradesh— Kanpur; Madhya Pradesh—Gwalior.

Question 8: Name some important centres of the cotton industry in (i) Maharashtra, (ii) Uttar Pradesh, (iii) Punjab, (iv) Haryana, (v) Gujarat, (vi) Tamil Nadu.
Answer: Maharashtra : Mumbai, Sholapur, Pune, Nagpur, Akola
Uttar Pradesh : Kanpur
Punjab : Phagwara
Haryana : Hisar
Gujarat : Surat, Ahmedabad, Vadodara
Tamil Nadu : Coimbatore, Salem, Madurai.

Question 9: Name the cottage industries associated with Ludhiana and Hyderabad.
Answer: Ludhiana: Sports good.
Hyderabad: Bidriware.

Question 10: Name an important city noted for its silk industry.
Answer: Bangalore.

Question 11: Name the states which are famous for silk production.
Answer: Raw silk is produced mainly in Bengal, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Karnataka.

Question 12: Name any two centres of the following states which are famous for silk industry:
(i) Uttar Pradesh (ii) Bihar (iii) Jharkhand (iv) West Bengal.
Answer: (i) Varanasi, Mirzapur (ii) Bhagalpur (iii) Ranchi.
(iv) Murshidabad, Bishnupur.

Question 13: Name the cities which are internationally famous for exporting silk in India.
Answer: Kashmir, Varanasi, Mysore, Bangalore and Kanjeevaram.

Question 14: Name two important silk-weaving centres in Karnataka.
Answer: Bangalore and Mysore are two important silk weaving centres in Karnataka.

Question 15: Name the two types of silk produced in India.
Answer: The two types of silk produced in India are:
(i) Mulberry silk, (ii) Non-mulberry (tasar, eri, muga).

Question 16: Name the centres of the woollen industry in:
(i) Kashmir (ii) Punjab (iii) Rajasthan
(v) Madya Pradesh (iv) Uttar Pradesh
Answer: (i) Kashmir : Srinagr
(ii) Punjab : Amritsar, Dhariwal, Ludhiana.
(iii) Rajasthan : Jaipur, Bikaner.
(iv) Uttar Pradesh : Agra, Kanpur, Mirzapur.
(v) Madya Pradesh : Gwalior.

Question 17: With reference to the Jute industry answer the following:
(i) Name two centres of the industry in West Bengal.
(ii) Name two major jute products.
Answer: (i) Kolkata, Howrah, Budge-Budge, Titagarh.
(ii) Carpets, rugs, sacks.

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UNIT- 1: Teaching Aptitude (NTA NET / TN SET)

  Teaching Aptitude கற்பித்தல் திறன் (Teaching Aptitude) மற்றும் அதன் கூறுகள் கற்பித்தல் திறன் என்பது ஒரு நல்ல ஆசிரியராக இருக்க தேவையான திறன...