Friday, February 3, 2012

The Concept of Tripple Oppression in the Novels of Gwendolyn Brooks and Bama

Oppression is a cunning strategy through which one section of the people is dominated and discriminated by other section, to enjoy some privileges. Creative writing brings into light the modes, consequences and the roots of oppression. This study is an attempt to expose the oppression faced by Dalit and Black women which are threefold - society, caste and race, and patriarchy. The present study is an inquiry into the threefold oppression which is analysed through two important writers: Gwendolyn Brooks and Bama. Brooks through her works narrates how society, race and patriarchy operate in a Black woman's life. She gives enough evidences in a novel Maud Martha, showing how a Black woman is considered as a non-entity or a non-belonger. Bama through the portrayal of Dalit women's life in Sangati from birth, childhood, marriage to death, reveals the Dalit women's struggle against the society, caste and patriarchy. the entire study focuses on these two writers representing there own communities to show the oppression they face in their daily life. The first chapter focuses on the significance and relevance of comparative Literature. Then it goes on to deal with the characteristics of African American literature and Dalit literature and also highlights how Brooks and Bama represent Black and Dalit feminism. The second chapter discusses in brief the cause and nature of oppression. It contains a short synopsis of the two novels Maud Martha and Sangati. The third chapter analyses the two books and shows how triple oppression acts as a powerful force in determining the life of Black and Dalit women. The fourth chapter narrates the optimistic tone of the novelists Brooks and Bama. It pinpoints the similarities and differences between both the novelists. The final chapter sums up the comparative study of both the novels and also the suggestions put forth by Brooks and Bama to break the oppression. for further details contact

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UNIT- 1: Teaching Aptitude (NTA NET / TN SET)

  Teaching Aptitude கற்பித்தல் திறன் (Teaching Aptitude) மற்றும் அதன் கூறுகள் கற்பித்தல் திறன் என்பது ஒரு நல்ல ஆசிரியராக இருக்க தேவையான திறன...