Monday, January 22, 2018

TNSET 2016 General Paper 1 Questions with Official Answers



Note : This paper contains sixty (60) multiple choice questions, each question carrying two (2) marks. Attempt any fifty (50) questions.

SÔ¨¦ : CÆÂÚõzuõÒ £» ÷ÁÖ£mh ÂøhPøÍ (multiple choice) Eøh¯ AÖ£x (60) ÂÚõUPøÍU öPõskÒÍx. JÆöÁõßÔØS® Cµsk (2) ©v¨ö£sPÒ. H÷uÝ® I®£x (50) ÂÚõUPÐUS Âøh¯ÎUPÄ®.

1.         The main objective of teaching at higher education level is
(A)      To develop the capacity to take decisions
(B)      To give new information
(C)      To prepare students to pass examinations
(D)      To motivate students to ask questions during lecture

E¯º PÀ {ø»°À Pؤzu¾UPõÚ •UQ¯ ÷|õUP®
(A)       •iöÁkUS® vÓøÚ ÁͺzuÀ
(B)      ¦v¯ uPÁÀPøÍ u¸uÀ
(C)        ÷uºÂÀ ÷uºa] ö£Ó u¯õº ö\´uÀ
(D)          £õh® |hzx® ö£õÊx ©õnÁºPøÍ ÷PÒ ÷PmP FUP¨£kzxuÀ

2.         Which is the following teaching skill?
(A)      Questioning
(B)      Black Board writing
(C)      Explaining
(D)      All the above

¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÔÀ Gx Pؤzu¾UPõÚ vÓß?
(A)       ÷PÒÂ ÷PmhÀ
(B)      P¸®£»øP°À GÊxuÀ
(C)        ÂÍUSuÀ
(D)          ÷©ØTÔ¯ AøÚzx®

3.         An effective teacher is one who can?
(A)      Control the class
(B)      Motivate students to learn
(C)      Give more information in less time
(D)      Correct the assignment carefully

J¸ ]Ó¢u B]›¯º GߣÁº?
(A)       ÁS¨¦ AøÓø¯ PmkUSÒ øÁzuÀ
(B)      ©õnÁºPøÍ PØP FUSÂzuÀ
(C)        SÖQ¯ Põ»zvÀ AvP©õÚ uPÁÀPøÍ u¸uÀ
(D)          J¨£øh¨¦PøÍ PÁÚ©õP v¸zxuÀ

4.         The quality of teaching is reflected
(A)      By the quality of questions asked by the students
(B)      By the pass percentage of students
(C)      By the attendance of students in the class
(D)      By the duration of silence maintenance in the class

uµ©õÚ Pؤzu¼ß ¤µv£¼¨¦
(A)       ©õnÁºPÒ ÷PmS® uµ©õÚ ÷PÒÂ
(B)      ©õnÁºPÎß ÷uºa] ÂQu®
(C)        ©õnÁºPÎß £ÒÎ Á¸øP
(D)      ÁS¨¦PøÍ Aø©v¯õP øÁzuÀ

5.         The teacher’s role at higher education level is to

(A)      Promote self learning in students

(B)      Provide information to students

(C)      Encourage healthy competition among students

(D)      Help students to solve their personal problems

E¯º PÀ {ø»°À B]›¯ºPÎß £[S

(A)       ©õnÁºPÐøh¯ _¯ PØÓø» ÷©®£kzxuÀ

(B)      ©õnÁºPÐUS uPÁÀPøÍ AÎzuÀ

(C)        ©õnÁºPÎøh÷¯ B÷µõUQ¯©õÚ ÷£õmi ©Ú¨£õsø©ø¯ Á͵ FUSÂzuÀ

(D)          ©õnÁºPÐøh¯ uÛ¨£mh ¤µa]øÚUS wºÄPõn EuÄuÀ

6.         Teacher’s primary responsiblity lies in

(A)      Planning educational experiences

(B)      Keeping students records

(C)      Implimenting policies

(D)      All the above

B]›¯¸øh¯ •ußø©¯õÚ ö£õÖ¨¦

(A)       PØÓÀ AÝ£Á[PøÍ vmhªkuÀ

(B)      ©õnÁºPÐøh¯ £v÷ÁkPøÍ £µõ©›zuÀ

(C)        vmh[PøÍ ö\¯À£kzxuÀ

(D)          ÷©ØTÔ¯ AøÚzx®

7.         The research approach of Max Weber to understand how people create meanings in natural settings is identified as

(A)      Positive paradigm

(B)      Critical paradigm

(C)      Natural paradigm

(D)      Interpretative paradigm

C¯ØøP¯õÚ `ǼÀ ©UPÒ GÆÁõÖ Aºzu[PøÍ EÒÁõ[SQÓõºPÒ Gߣøu AÔ¢x öPõÒÍ ÷©UìöÁ£›ß Bµõ´a] AqS•øÓ

(A)       ÷|º©øÓ •ßÝuõµn®

(B)      ©º\Ú •ßÝuõµn®

(C)        C¯ØøP •ßÝuõµn®

(D)          ¦›uÀÂÍUP •ßÝuõµn®

8.         In sampling, the lottery method is used for

(A)      Interpretation

(B)      Theoritization

(C)      Conceptualization

(D)      Randomization

©õv›°À £¯ß£kzu¨£k® S¾US^mk •øÓ

(A)       ÂÍUP®

(B)      ÷Põm£õhõUPÀ

(C)        P¸zuõUP® ö\´uÀ

(D)          \©Áõ´¨¦ AÎzuÀ

9.         A workable hypothesis is

(A)      A proven hypothesis for an argument

(B)      Not required to be tested

(C)      A provisionally accepted hypothesis for further research

(D)      A scientific theory

ö\¯À£hzuUP P¸x÷PõÒ Gߣx

(A)       J¸ ÁõuzvØPõÚ {¹¤UP¨£mh P¸x÷PõÒ

(B)      ÷\õuøÚ ö\´¯z ÷uøÁ°Àø»

(C)        Bµõ´a] ö\´²® ö£õ¸mk uØPõ¼P©õP HØÖUöPõÒͨ£mh P¸x÷PõÒ

(D)          J¸ AÔ¯À ÷Põm£õk

10.      Which one of the following is an indication of the quality of a research journal?

(A)      Impact factor

(B)      h-index

(C)      g-index

(D)      i10-index

¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÔÀ, J¸ Bµõ´a] CuÈß uµ Aøh¯õÍ® Gx?

(A)       uõUP® Põµo

(B)      h–SÔ±k

(C)        gSÔ±k

(D)          i10SÔ±k

11.      Reading centres, story hours, exhibitions and reading literature are forms of

(A)      Extension service

(B)      Service of a public library

(C)      Both

(D)      None

£i¨¦ ø©¯[PÒ, Pøu ö\õÀ¾® ÷|µ®, PsPõm]PÒ ©ØÖ® C»UQ¯® £izuÀ BQ¯Ú Guß ÁiÁ[PÒ

(A)       ›ÁõUP ÷\øÁ

(B)      J¸ ö£õx ¡»PzvØS ÷\øÁ

(C)        Cµsk®

(D)          GxÄ® CÀø»

12.      Which of the following is not covered under Intellectual Property Rights?

(A)      Copyrights

(B)      Patents

(C)      Trade Marks

(D)      Thesaurus

¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÔÀ Gx AÔÄ\õº ö\õzx›ø©°ß RÌ Áµõx?

(A)       £v¨¦ E›ø©PÒ

(B)      Põ¨¦ E›ø©PÒ

(C)        ÁõoPU SÔ±kPÒ

(D)      Cøna ö\õÀ PÍg]¯®

Comprehension – (Direction : Q.Nos. 13 to 17) :

On the face of it, the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2012 recently approved by the Union Cabinet – seems to give the government more teeth in fighting child labour. It prescribes for greater punishment for violations – both prison terms applicable as well as pecuniary penalties have been increased. Even though there is no guarantee that the new provisions will serve as more effective deterrents than the earlier provisions, they signal a stronger resolve within the government to fight child labour. However, the proposed legislation also makes exceptions for the employment of children below 14 years in family enterprises of a “non-hazardous” nature and in the audio-visual entertainment industry, where the child may work as an artiste. All such work, the Bill holds, must be undertaken after school.
Child Labour is almost endemic in India – the 2011 census found over 4.35 million children aged 5-14 years employed either part or full-time – thanks to poor socio economic conditions forcing many families to offer their children for employment quite early. In this backdrop, allowing for an exception for employment of children is concerning, especially in occupations that are not explicitly deemed hazardous, but could have damaging social implications. For instance, in the carpet-weaving industry, as per a Harvard University study, nearly 20% of the labour consists of children, many of whom are from debt-bonded, poor Muslim families. With much of the carpet-weaving work occurring in a disaggregated manner – with weavers’ homes functioning as manufacturing units – it is difficult to distinguish exploitative employment from working in family enterprises. Besides, enforcing desired labour conditions in family enterprises could prove to be a challenge for monitoring. At the same time, forcing out child labour will remain a Herculean task. For poor families that use their children’s labour to supplement household income, there is very little incentive to send children to school instead. The government would be better able to tackle the problem if skills training or vocational education was made a compulsory part of school education instead of providing for exceptions to the laws against child labour.

¦›¢x £izuÀ (ÂÚõUPÒ 13 17) :

öÁΨ£øh¯õP, SÇ¢øuz öuõÈ»õͺ (uk¨¦ ©ØÖ® JÊ[PõØÖuÀ) v¸zu ©÷\õuõ, 2012 Asø©°À ©zv¯ Aµ\õÀ J¨¦uÀ ö£Ó¨£mk, SÇ¢øuz öuõÈ»õÍøµ SøÓ¨£uØS Aµ_US AvP AvPõµ® AΨ£x ÷£õßÖ öu›QÓx. \mh«Ó¾US AvP AÍÄ ushøÚø¯ Áøµ¯ÖUS® C®©÷\õuõ ]øÓz ushøÚ ©ØÖ® A£µõuz öuõøPø¯ E¯ºzv²ÒÍx. £øǯ \µzxUPøÍ Âh C¨¦v¯ ©÷\õuõÂß \µzxUPÒ Pkø©¯õÚuõP C¸US® GÚ G¢u EÖv²® CÀø»ö¯ÛÝ®, SÇ¢øuz öuõÈ»õÍøµ JÈUP÷Ásk® GßÖ Aµ]h® wºUP©õÚ •iÄ EÒÍx GÚ¨ ¦»ÚõQÓx. GÛÝ®, ÁµÂ¸US® Ca\mh® Sk®£ {ÖÁÚ[PÎÀ A£õ¯PµªÀ»õ ußø© EÒÍ £oPÎÀ 14 Á¯xUS SøÓ¢u SÇ¢øuPøÍ £o¯©ºzx® ÁøP°À »US AÎUQÓx. ÷©¾® Pm¦» ö\¨¦» öuõȼÀ |iPµõP¨ £oö\´¯Ä® »US AÎUQÓx. AøÚzx C¢u¨ £oPЮ, £ÒÎ ÷|µzvØS¨ ¤ß ÷©ØöPõÒͨ£h ÷Ásk® GÚ C®©÷\õuõ TÖQÓx.

C¢v¯õÂÀ SÇ¢øuz öuõÈ»õͺ Gߣx •iÁØÓuõ²ÒÍx. 2011 À PnUöPk¨¤ß£i 4.35 ªÀ¼¯ÝUS® ÷©»õÚ 5–14 Á¯vØSm£mh SÇ¢øuPÒ £Sv (A) •Ê ÷|µ©õP ÷Áø» ö\´QßÓÚº – ÷©õ\©õÚ \‰P¨ ö£õ¸Íõuõµ `Ç¼ß Põµn©õP £» Sk®£[PÒ u[PÒ SÇ¢øuPøÍ •ßÚuõP÷Á £oUS Aݨ¦QßÓÚº. C¢u¨ ¤ß¦»zvÀ SÇ¢øuz öuõÈ»õÍøµ £o¯©ºzxÁøuz ukUS® \mhzvÀ »UPÎzx, A£õ¯Pµ©ØÓ ußø©²ÒÍ £oPÎÀ £o¯©ºzu AÝ©v¨£x, £õv¨ø£ ÂøÍÂUPU Ti¯ \‰Pz uõUPzøu E¸ÁõUS®. GkzxUPõmhõP, á•UPõÍ® ö\´²® öuõȼÀ, HÓzuõÇ 20 \uÃu® £o¯õͺPÒ SÇ¢øuz öuõÈ»õͺ BÁº GÚ íõºÁºk £ÀPø»UPÇP Bµõ´a] JßÖ öu›ÂUQÓx. CÁºPÎÀ £»º Phß Áõ[Q¯uõÀ Aiø©¯õUP¨£mkÒÍ, HøÇ •ì½® Sk®£zøua ÷\º¢÷uõº BÁº. AvP©õÚ á•UPõÍ® ö|´²® öuõÈÀ ö|\Áõͺ ÃkPÎ÷»÷¯ |øhö£ØÖ Á¸ÁuõÀ, Sk®£ {ÖÁÚ[PÎÀ £o ö\´Áx ©ØÖ® _µsh¾US Em£mh £o GÚ Cµsøh²® ÷ÁÖ£kzu C¯»õ©À ÷£õQÓx. ÷©¾® Sk®£ {ÖÁÚ[PÎÀ ÷uøÁ¯õÚ £o ö\´¯z uS¢u {ø»ø¯ A©À£kzxuÀ Gߣx J¸ \Áõ»õÚ ö\¯»õP Aø©QÓx. A÷u ÷|µ®, SÇ¢øuz öuõÈ»õÍøµ JȨ£x Gߣx, J¸ öíºS¼¯ß £o¯õS®. u[PÐøh¯ Sk®£ Á¸©õÚzvØS xøn ö\´²® ÁøP°À \®£õvUP SÇ¢øuPøÍ Aݨ¦® HøÇU Sk®£[PÒ, AUSÇ¢øuPøͨ £ÒÎUS Aݨ£z ÷uøÁ¯õÚ EØ\õP® SøÓÁõP÷Á EÒÍx. £ÒÎU PÀ塧 Kº A[P©õP vÓß\õº £°Ø] AÀ»x öuõÈØPÀ Pmhõ¯©õUP¨£hõ©À, SÇ¢øuz öuõÈ»õͺ \mhzvÀ »UPΨ£uõÀ Aµ_ C¢u¨ ¤µa\øÚø¯ GvºöPõÒÍ C¯»õx.

13.      What is the provision for punishment for violation of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2012?

(A)      There is provision for only rigorous imprisonment

(B)      The offender may be issued a shoot-at-sight order

(C)      Enhanced prison term and pecuniary penalties

(D)      No change in prison term for the first-time offender

SÇ¢øuz öuõÈ»õͺ (uk¨¦ ©ØÖ® JÊ[PõØÓÀ) v¸zu ©÷\õuõ 2012 À \mh«Ó¾UPõÚ ushøÚ ÁÇ[S® \µzx ¯õx?

(A)       Pk® ushøÚUPõÚ \µzx EÒÍx

(B)      SØÓ® ¦›£ÁøµU PshÄhß _h»õ®

(C)        AvP©õÚ ]øÓz ushøÚ ©ØÖ® A£µõuz öuõøP

(D)          •uÀ•øÓ¯õPU SØÓ® ¦›÷ÁõºUPõÚ ]øÓz ushøÚ°À G¢u ©õØÓ•ªÀø»

14.      Which of the following statements is not true?

(A)      It is certain that the new provisions will serve as more effective deterrents

(B)      The government seems to be resolved to fight child labour

(C)      There is no restriction on child below 14 years to work as an artiste in a non- hazardous entertainment industry

(D)      The child artiste can work only after school

¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÔÀ Gx Esø©°Àø»?

(A)       ¦v¯ \µzxUPÒ Pkø©¯õÚuõP C¸US® Gߣx EÖv

(B)      SÇ¢øuz öuõÈ»õÍøµ JÈUP÷Ásk® GßÖ Aµ]h® wºUP©õÚ •iÄ EÒÍx

(C)        A£õ¯Pµ©ØÓ ÷PÎUøPz öuõȼÀ 14 Á¯vØS SøÓÁõÚ SÇ¢øuPÒ |i¨¦z öuõÈÀ ö\´¯ uøh÷¯xªÀø»

(D)          SÇ¢øu |iPº £ÒÎ ÷|µzvØS¨ ¤ßÚ÷µ £o ö\´¯ •i²®

15.      What, according to the author, is a better option to fight child labour?

(A)      The government should provide financial assistance to the weaver’s family

(B)      The government should make skill training or vocational education a compulsory part of school education

(C)      The parents of the children should be educated well to send their wards to school daily

(D)      The government should make better facilities available for school children

SÇ¢øuz öuõÈ»õÍøµ JÈUP, Pmkøµ¯õÍ›ß P¸zx¨£i, Gx ]Ó¢u ÁÈ?

(A)       ö|\ÁõÍ›ß Sk®£zvØS Aµ_ {v Eu AÎUP ÷Ásk®

(B)      vÓß\õº £°Ø] AÀ»x öuõÈÀPÀÂø¯ £ÒÎU PÀ塧 Kº A[P©õP Aµ_ BUP ÷Ásk®

(C)        SÇ¢øuPøÍz vÚ•® £ÒÎUS Aݨ£ AUSÇ¢øuPÎß ö£Ø÷Óõº PÀ PØP ÷Ásk®

(D)          £ÒÎU SÇ¢øuPÐUS Aµ_ ]Ó¢u Á\vPøÍ AÎUP BÁÚ ö\´¯ ÷Ásk®

16.      According to the Harvard University study,

(A)      About 20% of carpet weavers are poor Muslim children

(B)      Much of the carpet-weaving work occurs in a disaggregated manner

(C)      Weavers’ homes function as manufacturing units

(D)      All the above

íõºÁºk £ÀPø»UPÇP Bµõ´a]°ß £i,

(A)       á•UPõÍ® ö|´÷Áõ›À 20 \uÃu® HøÇ •ì½®PÒ SÇ¢øuPÒ

(B)      ö£¸®£õßø©¯õÚ á•UPõÍ ö|\ÄzöuõÈÀ ]uÔ¯ Ásn® |øhö£ÖQÓx

(C)        ö|\ÁõÍ›ß ÃkPÒ EØ£zv A»SPÍõPa ö\¯À£kQßÓÚ

(D)          ÷©ØTÔ¯ AøÚzx®

17.      What is the meaning of the word ‘backdrop’ as used in the passage?

(A)      Culture

(B)      Environment

(C)      Background

(D)      Practice

C¢u¨ £Sv°À SÔ¨¤h¨£mkÒÍ ¤ß¦»® Gߣuß ö£õ¸Ò GßÚ?

(A)       P»õa\õµ®

(B)      `ÇÀ

(C)        ¤ßÛh®

(D)          ö\´øP

18.      Which of the following is described in your text as a contextual factor that can impact effectiveness of communication in an organization?

(A)      Organizational structure

(B)      Organizational culture

(C)      Technology

(D)      All the above

J¸ {ÖÁÚzvß uPÁÀ öuõhº¤ß ]Ó¨ø£ £õvUS® Põµo¯õP ¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÔÀ GøuU TÓ»õ®?

(A)       {ÖÁÚ Aø©¨¦

(B)      {ÖÁÚ¨ £s£õk

(C)        öuõÈÀ ~m£®

(D)          ÷©ØTÔ¯ AøÚzx®

19.      –––––––––– allows several people to use software at the same time to create documents, keep track of projects.

(A)      Software

(B)      Groupware

(C)      E-mail

(D)      Network

¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÔÀ Gx J÷µ ÷|µzvÀ £» |£ºPÒ BÁn[PøÍ E¸ÁõUPÄ® vmh¨ £õøuø¯ AÔ¢xU öPõÒЮ ÁøP°À ö©ßö£õ¸Ò £¯ß£kzu AÝ©vUQÓx?

(A)       ö©ßö£õ¸Ò

(B)      Sʨö£õ¸Ò

(C)        ªßÚg\À

(D)          Áø»zuÍ®

20.      Communication can be defined as

(A)      A process by which an idea is transferred from a source to receiver with the intention of changing his behaviour

(B)      A process of mutual exchange of facts, thoughts or perceptions leading to a common understanding of all parties

(C)      As a transfer of information from the sender to receiver with the information being understood by the receiver

(D)      All the above

uPÁÀ öuõhºø£ G[VÚ® Áøµ¯ÖUP»õ®?

(A)       J¸Á›ß |hzøuø¯ ©õØÖ® ÁøP°À Áȉ»zvÀ C¸¢x ö£Ö£ÁºUS J¸ P¸zøu ©õØÓ® ö\´²® ö\¯Ø£õk

(B)      AøÚzx |£ºPÎß ¦›u¾US EuÄ® Ásn® ÂÁµ[PÒ, Gsn[PÒ ©ØÖ® ¦»ß EnºÄPøÍ £›©õÔU öPõÒЮ ö\¯Ø£õk

(C)        ö£Ö£Áº ¦›¢xUöPõÒЮ ÁøP°À Aݨ¦Á›h® C¸¢x ö£Ö£ÁºUS uPÁø» ©õØÖ® ¦»ß EnºÄPøÍ £›©õÔU öPõÒЮ ö\¯Ø£õk

(D)          ÷©ØTÔ¯ AøÚzx®

21.      Which one of the following does not work as a barrier in communication?

(A)      Physical barriers

(B)      Psychological Barriers

(C)      Background Barriers

(D)      Feedback related Barriers

uPÁÀ öuõhº¤À ¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÔÀ Gx J¸ uøh¯õPa ö\¯À£kÁvÀø»?

(A)       ¦Âzuøh

(B)      EͯÀ uøh

(C)        ¤ßÛø»z uøh

(D)          ¤ß £õºøÁz öuõhº£õÚ uøh

22.      Which of the following is not matched with the nature of communication?

(A)      A directional process

(B)      A feed-back process

(C)      A dynamic process

(D)      A passive process

uPÁÀ öuõhº¤ß C¯À¦hß ¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÔÀ Gx öuõhº£ØÖ EÒÍx?

(A)       Kº C¯UPa ö\¯À£õk

(B)      P¸zu¸Âß ö\¯À£õk

(C)        ö\¯À÷ÁPa ö\¯À£õk

(D)          ö\¯ÀSøÓ ö\¯À£õk

23.      If you get appointment in a college as a teacher, how could you behave with your students?

(A)      Autocratic manner

(B)      Democratic manner

(C)      Laissez faire manner

(D)      Intellectual manner

J¸ PÀ¿›°À B]›¯º £o ö\´¯ ÷Áø» QøhzuõÀ ©õnÁºPÎh® GÆÁõÖ |h¢x öPõÒúPÒ?

(A)       BvUP©õÚ •øÓ°À

(B)      áÚ|õ¯P©õÚ •øÓ°À

(C)        xø»°hõu •øÓ°À

(D)          AÔħºÁ©õÚ •øÓ°À

24.      The greatest number that exactly divides 805, 1001 and 2436 is

(A)      9

(B)      8

(C)      2

(D)      7

805, 1001 ©ØÖ® 2436 I \›¯õP ÁSUS® ö£›¯ Gs Gx?

(A)       9

(B)      8

(C)        2

(D)          7

25.      A sum of Rs.53 is divided among A, B, C in such a way that A sets Rs.7 more than what B gets and B gets Rs.8 more than what C gets. One ratio of their share is

(A)      16:19:18

(B)      25:18:10

(C)      18:25:10

(D)      15:8:30

C   GߣÁøµ Âh B ¹.8 AvP©õPÄ®, B ø¯Âh A GߣÁº ¹.7 AvP©õPÄ® ö£Ö® ÁøP°À ¹. 53 GßÓ öuõøP ÁSUP¨£mhõÀ, AÁºPÎß £[S ÂQu® ¯õx?

(A)       16:19:18

(B)      25:18:10

(C)        18:25:10

(D)          15:8:30

26.      Evaluate :

(6-1) (6-2) (6-3) –––––––––– (6-9) (6-10)

(A)      0

(B)      2

(C)      5

(D)      100

©v¨¤kP :

(6-1) (6-2) (6-3) –––––––––– (6-9) (6-10)

(A)       0

(B)      2

(C)        5

(D)          100

27.      The sum of two numbers is 65 and the difference is 11. Find the numbers

(A)      23, 42

(B)      30, 35

(C)      13, 52

(D)      38, 27

Cµsk GsPÎß Tmkz öuõøP 65, Auß ÷ÁÖ£õk 11. GÛÀ A¢u GsPøÍU PõsP

(A)       23, 42

(B)      30, 35

(C)        13, 52

(D)          38, 27

28.      What will be 60% of a number whose 300% is 120?

(A)      12

(B)      24

(C)      36

(D)      48

Kº Gsoß 300% 120 GÛÀ, Auß 60% ¯õx?

(A)       12

(B)      24

(C)        36

(D)          48

29.      If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 1 : 3 : 5 Then the angles are
(A)      20º, 100º, 60º
(B)      20º, 60º, 100º
(C)      30º, 60º, 90º
(D)      60º, 30º, 90º

J¸ •U÷Põnzvß ÷Põn[PÒ 1 : 3 : 5 GßÓ ÂQuzvÀ C¸¢uõÀ, A¢uU ÷Põn[PÒ
(A)       20º, 100º, 60º

(B)      20º, 60º, 100º
(C)        30º, 60º, 90º
(D)          60º, 30º, 90º

30.      For which of the following pairs of years the total exports from the three companies together are equal?
(A)      1995 and 1998
(B)      1996 and 1998
(C)      1997 and 1998
(D)      1995 and 1996

¤ßÁ¸® G¢u Cøn BskPÐUPõÚ, ‰ßÖ {Ö©[PÎß ö©õzu HØÖ©v \©©õP EÒÍx?

(A)       1995 ©ØÖ® 1998
(B)      1996 ©ØÖ® 1998
(C)        1997 ©ØÖ® 1998
(D)          1995 ©ØÖ® 1996

31.      Average annuals exports during the given period for company Y is approximately what percent of the average annual exports for company Z?

(A)      87.12%

(B)      89.64%

(C)      91.21%

(D)      93.33%

Y {Ö©zvß SÔ¨¤mh Põ»zvØPõÚ \µõ\› Bsk HØÖ©v Z {Ö©zvß \µõ\› Bsk HØÖ©v°À HÓzuõÇ GÆÁÍÄ \uÃu®?

(A)       87.12%

(B)      89.64%

(C)        91.21%

(D)          93.33%

32.      In which year was the difference between the exports from companies X and Y are minimum

(A)      1994

(B)      1995

(C)      1996

(D)      1997

X ©ØÖ® Y {Ö©[PÎß HØÖ©vPmS Cøh÷¯ EÒÍ ÷ÁÖ£õk G¢u Bsk SøÓÁõP EÒÍx?

(A)       1994

(B)      1995

(C)        1996

(D)          1997

33.      What is the difference between the average exports of the three companies in 1993 and the average exports in 1998?

(A)      Rs. 15.33 crores

(B)      Rs. 18.67 crores

(C)      Rs. 20 crores

(D)      Rs. 22.17 crores

1993 ©ØÖ® 1998 BskPÎÀ ‰ßÖ {Ö©[PÎß \µõ\› HØÖ©vPmS Cøh÷¯ EÒÍ ÷ÁÖ£õk ¯õx?

(A)       ¹.15.33 ÷Põi

(B)      ¹.18.67 ÷Põi

(C)        ¹.20 ÷Põi

(D)          ¹.22.17 ÷Põi

34.      In how many of the given years, were the exports from company Z more than the average annual export over the given years?

(A)      2

(B)      3

(C)      4

(D)      5

R÷Ç öPõkUP¨£mkÒÍ BskPÎÀ Z {Ö©zvß HØÖ©v GÆÁÍÄ \µõ\› HØÖ©vø¯ Âh AvP©õS®?

(A)       2

(B)      3

(C)        4

(D)          5

37.      Choose one of the statements which is incorrect

(A)      Price of gold in January is less than price of silver in January

(B)      Price of gold in February is greater than the price of silver in February

(C)      Price of gold in march is less than price of silver in march

(D)      Price of gold in march is less than price of silver in January

uÁÓõÚ J¸ ÁõUQ¯zøu ÷uº¢x GkUPÄ®

(A)       áÚÁ› ©õuzvÀ öÁÒ롧 Âø»ø¯ Âh u[Pzvß Âø» SøÓÁõÚx

(B)      ¤¨µÁ›°À öÁÒ롧 Âø»ø¯ Âh u[Pzvß Âø» AvP©õÚx

(C)        ©õºa]À öÁÒ롧 Âø»ø¯ Âh u[Pzvß Âø» SøÓÁõÚx

(D)          áÚÁ›°À öÁÒ롧 Âø»ø¯ Âh u[Pzvß Âø» ©õºa]À SøÓÁõÚx

38.      Ratio of price of gold in January to price of silver in January is

(A)      405:847

(B)      847:405

(C)      399:847

(D)      405:861

áÚÁ›°À, u[P®, öÁÒ롧 Âø»°À EÒÍ ÂQu©õÚx

(A)       405:847

(B)      847:405

(C)        399:847

(D)          405:861

39.      Maximum price of gold is in the month of

(A)      January

(B)      February

(C)      March

(D)      None of the above

u[Pzvß Âø» AvP£m\©õP EÒÍ ©õu®

(A)       áÚÁ›

(B)      ¤¨µÁ›

(C)        ©õºa

(D)          CÁØÖÒ HxªÀø»

42.      If 56 #11 ! 9, 37 #13 ! 6, 42#12 ! 3 then find the value of 87 # 77 ! ?

(A)      1

(B)      4

(C)      3

(D)      2

56 #11 ! 9, 37 #13 ! 6, 42#12 ! 3 GÛÀ 87 # 77 ! ? ß ©v¨ø£U PõsP.

(A)       1

(B)      4

(C)        3

(D)          2

43.      The COMSAT was established in the year

(A)      1968

(B)      1963

(C)      1970

(D)      1971

COMSAT – ÷uõØÖÂUP¨£mh Bsk

(A)       1968

(B)      1963

(C)        1970

(D)          1971

44.      What is the paradox of technology?

(A)      Internet Access

(B)      More access and less dependence

(C)      More dependency and less access

(D)      Moderate dependency

öuõÈÀ~m£zvß •µs ¯¨¦ ¯õx?

(A)       Cøn¯uÍ AqSuÀ

(B)      AvP AqSuÀ ©ØÖ® SøÓÄa \õº¦

(C)        AvP \õº¦ ©ØÖ® SøÓÄ AqSuÀ

(D)          ©zv©©õÚ \õº¦

45.      ICT includes

(A)      Web Based learning

(B)      Edusat facilitated learning

(C)      Live interaction through video call

(D)      All the above

ICT Gߣx Gøu EÒÍhUQ¯x?
(A)       Cøn¯uÍ Ai¨£øhU PØÓÀ

(B)      PÀÂa ö\¯ØøPU ÷PõÒ xønö\´ PØÓÀ

(C)        Põönõ¼ Áõ°»õP ÷|µi Eøµ¯õhÀ

(D)          ÷©ØTÔ¯ AøÚzx®

46.      A combination of image, photograph, text, sound, video and animation is called

(A)      Multi Level Media

(B)      Multi Communication Tools

(C)      Multimedia

(D)      Mass Media

E¸Á®, ¦øP¨£h®, ö\õØöÓõhºPÒ, J¼, Põm], E¸ÁP¨£kzuÀ AøÚzx® ÷\º¢v¸zuÀ

(A)       £ÀÁøPz uÍ FhP[PÒ

(B)      £ÀÁøPz uPÁÀ öuõhº¦ P¸ÂPÒ

(C)        £ÀÁøP FhP[PÒ

(D)          ÷£µÍÄ FhP[PÒ

47.      Apache means

(A)      Web server software on the Internet

(B)      Helicopter

(C)      Bike

(D)      None of the above


(A)       Cøn¯ ÁÈ ÁÇ[PÀ ö©ßö£õ¸Ò

(B)      öí¼Põ¨hº

(C)        C¸\UPµ ÁõPÚ®

(D)          ÷©ØTÔ¯ HxªÀø»

48.      Terabyte is

(A)      100 gigabytes

(B)      1000 gigabytes

(C)      10 gigabytes

(D)      1 gigabytes

öhµõø£m Gߣx

(A)       100 âPõø£m

(B)      1000 âPõø£m

(C)        10 âPõø£m

(D)          1 âPõø£m

49.       The study of interrelations between organisms and their environment is known as

(A)      Biosphere

(B)      Adult ecology

(C)      Synecology

(D)      Ecology

E°›Ú[PÒ ©ØÖ® Auß `Ì{ø»PÐUQøh÷¯¯õÚ öuõhº¤øÚ¨ £ØÔ TÖ® xøÓ

(A)       E°ºU÷PõÍ®

(B)      •vº `Ì{ø»°¯À

(C)        êÚUPõ»â

(D)          `Ì{ø»°¯À

50.      The geographic limits within which a population exists is its ———————.

(A)      Rang

(B)      Habitat

(C)      Niche

(D)      Territory

J¸ SÔ¨¤mh ¦Â°¯À £Sv°À Põn¨£k® J¸ CÚÁøP Auß ———————.

(A)       vmk

(B)      ÁõÈh®

(C)        JÍÂh®

(D)          Bm] {»¨£Sv

51.      Which of the following is a true statement?

(A)      Since gases not derived from fossil fuel combustion are involved, reduction in fossil fuel burning will not help the green house effect

(B)      Global warming is so imminent that nothing can be done

(C)      Global warming is of no immediate concern

(D)      Reduction in fossil fuel burning will lesson the greenhouse effect


(A)       £i© G›ö£õ¸Ò G›¨¤¼¸¢x PõØÖ ö£Ó¨£hõuuõÀ, £i© G›ö£õ¸Ò G›¨¦ £_ø© Ãmk ÂøÍÂÀ EuÄÁvÀø»

(B)      Aa_ÖzxQÓ E»P öÁ¨£©õÁvÀ ö\´ÁuØS JßÖªÀø»

(C)        E»P öÁ¨£©õu»õÀ EhÚi PÁø»°Àø»

(D)          £i© G›ö£õ¸Ò G›¨ø£ SøÓ¨£x, £_ø© Ãmk ÂøÍÄUS £õh©õP Aø©²®

52.      Water is a renewable resource, and ———————.

(A)      It is still subject to pollution

(B)      There will always be a plentiful supply

(C)      Primary sewage treatment plants assure clean drinking water

(D)      The oceans can never become polluted

uspº J¸ ¦x¨¤UPÁÀ» ÁÍ®, Ax

(A)       C¸¨¤Ý® ©õ_£kuø»¨ ö£õ¸zux

(B)      G¨÷£õx® ªSv¯õÚ ÁÇ[PÀ EÒÍx

(C)        •uÀ{ø» PÈÄ}øµ _zvP›¨¦ ö\´²® uõÁµ[PÍõÀ _zu©õÚ Si}º EÖv

(D)          ö£¸[PhÀ J¸ ö£õx ©õ_£mhuõP ©õÖÁvÀø»

53.      Human interface with the natural phosphorus cycle by ———————.

(A)      Causing erosion of land

(B)      Adding phosphate fertilizers to agriculture soils

(C)      Dumping sewage into rivers and lakes

(D)      All the above

——————— Gߣx ©ÛuøÚ C¯ØøP¨ £õ죵ì _ÇØ]÷¯õk Cøn¨£uõS®.

(A)       {» A›¨¦

(B)      ÂÁ\õ¯ {»zvÀ £õ죵 Eµ[PøÍ ÷\ºzuÀ

(C)        PÈÄPøÍ BÖ ©ØÖ® H›PÎÀ SÂzuÀ

(D)          ÷©ØPsh AøÚzx®

54.      Noise pollution is created if noise is in excess of ———————.

(A)      80-100 db

(B)      70-75 db

(C)      50-60 db

(D)      40-65 db

—————— I Âh AvP©õP Gʨ£¨£k® J¼¯õÀ ©õ_£õk HØ£kQÓx.

(A)       80 --100 öh]£À

(B)      70 --75 öh]£À

(C)        50 --60 öh]£À

(D)          40 --65 öh]£À

55.      Which word was inserted to the preamble in 1977?

(A)      Democratic

(B)      Secular and Socialistic

(C)      Sovereign

(D)      Republic and Socialistic

C¢v¯ Aµ]¯À \õ\Úzvß •P¨¦øµ°À 1977&À G¢u Áõºzøu ÷\ºUP¨£mhx?

(A)       ©UPÍõm] \õº¢u

(B)      ©u \õº£ØÓ ©ØÖ® ö£õx Eøhø©

(C)        CøÓ¯õsø© öPõsh

(D)          Si¯µ_ ©ØÖ® ö£õx Eøhø©

56.      Hunter Commission is related to which of the following?

I.       Agriculture                                                           II.     Education

III.    Industry                                                                  IV.    Civil Services

(A)      I

(B)      II

(C)      III

(D)      IV

RÌUPshøÁPÐÒ \›¯õÚx Gx? íßhº Pªåß GuÝhß öuõhº¦øh¯x?

I.          ÂÁ\õ¯®                                                               II.        PÀÂ

III.        öuõÈØ\õø»                                                       IV.      Aµ_ £o

(A)      I

(B)      II

(C)      III

(D)      IV

57.      How many languages were added to 8th schedule of Indian Constitution through 92nd Amendment?
(A)      3

(B)      4

(C)      5

(D)      6

92&Áx Aµ]¯»ø©¨¦ v¸zu® ‰»©õP 8&Áx AmhÁøn°À GzuøÚ ö©õÈPÒ ÷\ºUP¨£mhÚ?

(A)       3

(B)      4

(C)        5

(D)          6

58.      The right to free and compulsory education for children between age group of 6 to 14 has been inserted in Indian Constitution as

(A)      Article 46

(B)      Article 16

(C)      Article 45A

(D)      Article 21A

6   •uÀ 14 Á¯xUS Cøh¨£mh SÇ¢øuPÒ C»Á\ ©ØÖ® Pmhõ¯U PÀ ö£Ö® E›ø©

C¢v¯ Aµ]¯»ø©¨¦a \mhzvß G¢ua \µzvÀ EÒÍx?

(A)       46&Áx \µzx

(B)      16&Áx \µzx

(C)        45 A&Áx \µzx

(D)          21 A&Áx \µzx

59.      The University Grants Commissions was constituted on the recommendation of

(A)      Dr. Radhakrishnan Commission

(B)      Mudaliar Commission

(C)      Sargent Commission

(D)      Kothari Commission

£ÀPø»UPÇP {v |ÀøPU SÊ G¢uU SÊÂß £›¢xøµ¯õÀ ÷uõØÖÂUP¨£mhx?

(A)       hõUhº CµõuõQ¸ènß SÊ

(B)      •u¼¯õº SÊ

(C)        \õºásm SÊ

(D)          ÷Põuõ› SÊ

60.      Which of the following organizations looks after the quality of Technical and Management education in India?

(A)      NCTE

(B)      MCI

(C)      AICTE

(D)      CSIR

¤ßÁ¸ÁÚÁØÔÀ Gx C¢v¯õÂß öuõÈÀ~m£ ©ØÖ® ÷©»õsø©U PÀÂø¯U PÁÛzx Á¸QÓx?

(A)      NCTE

(B)      MCI

(C)      AICTE

(D)      CSIR

TNSET March 2025 Question Papers

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