Saturday, January 30, 2010


In this prose piece, the author brings out the humane characteristics in Nehru. The experiences that the author narrates show how Nehru believed in love of fellow humanity, through three meetings. A.J. Toynbee was much impressed by Nehru’s personality and the way in which he endeared himself to everyone. The author also shows how Nehru reacted in a refined manner and adjusted himself in difficult situations. As a great leader, he still had the time to be with Toynbee.

Captivator of hearts:
Toynbee did not know Nehru intimately and had met only a few times. From his account one can get vivid glimpse of Nehru’s personality. Nehru did not impress people but charmed their hearts. Though he was a very important public figure he never felt self – important. In spite of the responsible of his position he remained a humane person.

First meeting:
The first meeting of Toynbee and Nehru occurred before India’s becoming free from British rules. Nehru had come to England after a term of imprisonment in India for his political activities. The author had been invited by an English Lady to lunch and to meet Nehru. When the author went, Nehru had already arrived. When the next guest arrived it was something unexpected. It was a British General in uniform. On seeing Nehru the General seemed shocked.
Toynbee watched the scene with some curiosity. He wanted to see how Nehru reacted. Toynbee was wondering what Nehru would do and say now. A new light came in Nehru’s eyes and he began to tease the General very gently and the General got nervous and wanted to please Nehru by all means. Nehru was enjoying the fun to the full. Toynbee observes Nehru had the quality of fighting without hating.

Second meeting:
Toynbee remembers yet another incident very well. In 1957, the Delhi University arranged a special convocation to confer a degree of Toynbee. Caught in a traffic jam, Toynbee was away from the university campus when it was three quarters of an hour past the appointed hour. Toynbee was surprised to see Nehru himself coming running towards him wondering why he was late. Toynbee wondered how an important person like Prime Minister Nehru could find time to take part in the university proceedings. He felt ashamed for wasting Nehru’s precious time.

Final meeting:
It was in 1960 that Toynbee met Nehru for the last time. Nehru has asked Toynbee to visit him. It was a difficult period in Indian history with India’s strained relationship with China. As a responsible Prime Minister Nehru was worried over this. Toynbee thought he should discreetly keep off the subject. It proved impossible.

Toynbee was to give certain lectures in New Delhi and when he rose up to speak he was surprised to find Nehru entering the hall to listen. He wondered how an important person like Nehru could find time to do such things. Later, when he learnt that Nehru had come to the lecture on the day he had received the shocking news of the death of a dear friend of his, Lady Mountbatten, Toynbee was deeply moved.

Toynbee finally says that Jawaharlal Nehru “is evidently a representative of the type that moves mankind, not by coercion, but by persuasion”. And he names Emperor Asoka, Rammohan Roy, and Gandhi are deserve to be remembered for ever and to be immortalized.


In this essay, Woolf shows how it is difficult for women to come out of the age-old-prejudices that prevail in the society and also within women themselves. Earning money through the profession of writing is what Woolf has chosen for herself. For that, in order to do well in the profession she has to go beyond the limits allotted to women. She cannot remain nice and modest. She has to be bold, forthright and open in her descriptions and criticism.

Women’s Service League:
Virginia Woolf addressing the Women’s Service League members tells them that in a man’s world they have all won places with great difficulty. They should discuss among themselves the problems they faced, share the knowledge they have gained and solve the difficulties ahead of them.

Sharing experiences:
As a woman writer she should share with them the problems she faced when she began to write. Virginia Woolf says humorously that it was easy for a woman to become a writer because writing paper was cheap.
The cheapness of writing paper is, of course, the reason why women have succeeded as writers before they have succeeded in other professions”.Angel in the house:
When she began to write she had to fight conventional notion about a woman as the Angel in the house. A woman should sacrifice herself, must be pure, and must not have a mind of her own. This Victorian concept of a woman was most dear to men. Virginia Woolf began her career as a writer with a review of a man novelist. The moment she put her pen on the paper she had to fight against this conventional concept.

When she took her pen to write a review of a man’s novel, the Angel in her house whispered,
My dear, you are a young woman. You are writing about a book that has been written by a ma. Be sympathetic; be tender; flatter; deceive; use all the arts and wiled of our sex. Never let anybody guess that you have a mind of your own….”But, she was not ready to hear those words and killed the Angel of the House when she began to write.

Society’s expectation:
The society expects women to be charm. While saying about this, Woolf says, “they (women) must charm, they must conciliate, they must – to put it bluntly – tell lies if they are to succeed…”A writer using the faculty of imagination is like a fisherman sitting with his fishing rod, says Woolf. The imagination wanders everywhere and touches upon everything. When the imagination talks about one’s body and its passions a woman writer faces a big obstacle. It is considered unwomanly for a woman to tell the truth about her body and its experience.

Success and failure:
While telling about her genuine experiences in her field she says, “These were two of the adventures of my professional life. The first – killing the Angel in the House – I think I solved. She died. But the second, telling the truth about my own experience as a body, I do not think I solved. I doubt that any woman has solved it yet”. As for fighting against this obstacle, Woolf says, it is not over yet.

If such difficulties exist in literature which is a free profession she can imagine what kind of obstacle women choosing a lawyer’s or a doctor’s profession should have to put up with. She advises the women in various professions to consolidate and fight the obstacles and overcome the prejudices.

Tolerance E.M. Forster

E.M. Forster writes about the virtue needed most in the post-war world. According to him, its not ‘love’ as many might advocate, but, ‘tolerance’ which is needed to rebuild the world torn by World war.

People talk of rebuilding the world or reconstructing the civilization after the war. Such a task is not possible unless there is right attitude towards it. To rebuild the civilization, Forster says, “Architects, contractors, international commissioners, marketing boards, broadcasting corporations will never, by themselves, build a new world. They must be inspired by the proper spirit…”. A beautiful London cannot be built unless the residents want it, or have the right attitude.

What is the most important virtue needed in a post-war world? Most people would say ‘Love’. Forster does not agree with it and says’ “Love is a great force in private life: it is indeed the greatest of all things; but love in public affairs does not work…” The Christian Civilizations during the Middle Ages and the French Revolutionists tried it but failed. Nations and peoples should love one another is an absurd and dangerous idea. ‘The fact is we can love only what we know personally’.

Forster says, “Tolerance is a very dull virtue. It is boring. Unlike love, it has always had a bad press. It is negative. It merely means putting up with people, being able to stand things….”
But, ‘Tolerance’ is the virtue we need today. That is the right attitude needed to rebuild the post-war world. As races and people there are so many things we do not like in each other. We have to put up with these. We have to tolerate.

Two solutions:
In this over-crowded world the people are tumbling over each other. Most of these people don’t know each other. So, the ‘Love’ and ‘Tolerance’ modes will not work in these circumstances. For that, the author gives two solutions, “One of them is Nazi solution. If you don’t like people, kill them, banish them, segregate them… the other way is much less thrilling… and I prefer it. If you don’t like people, put up with them as well as you can. Don’t try to love them: you cant, you’ll only strain yourself. But, try to tolerate them….”

Need of tolerance:
He stresses the importance of tolerance again and again. He says, “Tolerance is wanted in the queue…it is wanted at the telephone, it is wanted in the street, in the office, at the factory, and it is wanted above all between classes, races, and nations….”

Great persons:
He names few great persons who taught the importance of tolerance. They are Emperor Asoka from India, Erasmus from Holland, Montaigne from France, John Locke from England, Lowes Dickinson writer of A Modern Symposium, etc..

He concludes this essay by saying, “Tolerance is not the same as weakness. Putting up with people does not mean giving in to them. Except the Lord build the house they labour in vain who build it. Perhaps when the house is completed, love will enter in and the greatest force in our private lives will also rule in public”.

See also E.M.Forster - Biography timeline and point by point

Monday, January 11, 2010

SIX THINKING HATS - Edward de bono

Edward de bono is regarded by the many to be the leading authority in the fields of creative thinking and the teaching of thinking as a skill.

Argument advocated as a method of thinking by Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle though an excellent one is unsophisticated. Each side tries to defend its case and wants to prove the other person wrong. We have been using it because we do not know of any other method. Hence Bono offers an alternative better thinking called the “SIX HATS” method.

The argument was designed as a way of thinking by the Greek thinkers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Though an excellent method, it is unsophisticated. Each side tried to defend its stand by proving the other side wrong. The author recommends the “SIX HATS” method as an alternative to enhance our conversation and develop a beautiful mind.

The six hats provide an alternative to argument as a method of thinking. It is free from the ego and aggression of argument and helps us to explore a subject thoroughly. It tries to align the members of the discussion, so that they are looking in the same direction. These hats provide a quick method to switch thinking, enhance your conversation and develops beautiful mind.

The “six hats” method makes all the members look at one direction at one time.
The white hat represents gathering of information. They can be verified later.

The red hat helps us to express our emotions freely.

The black hat deals with critical thinking. It is very powerful. We can avoid dangers and mistakes by using it.

The yellow hat represents values.

The green hat helps us to think creatively.

The blue hat is the organizer of all the activities.


Sam Horn is an award winning communication consultant. She is renowed for her highly practical solutions to difficult situations that one faces everyday.

The girl at the counter in the ice-cream store, exhausted by the day’s hectic work, responded angrily to the author’s request. The author, controlling her annoyance, spoke to her sympathetically and thus won her heart. The author advises people not to react angrily when someone is rude because it will only worsen the situation.

It is no use reacting angrily when someone is rude to you because it will only worsen the situation. The author suggests some non-combative ways which can be used without offending both the parties. The author calls these techniques “TOUNGE FU”. Handling hassles with humour saying “SORRY” when someone complains avoiding unnecessary arguments etc are some such techniques.

The author happened to meet the tall young man who used a novel technique to prevent others from making fun of himself. The message was that if you had a condition that bothered you, you should try having fun with it.

When people being complaints, it is no use giving them explanation because. This will only aggravate his anger. The best thing is to say” SORRY” and then tries to take necessary action. This will defuse his tension. The receptionist at the doctor’s office tackled an angry customer effectively through this method.


Larry Collins is the author of fall from grace and co-author, with Dominique Lapierre of the best selling. Dominique Lapierre is the author of the best-selling city of joy and co-author of “O Jerusalem “

The director of A.I.R anticipated that terrible violence would erupt if Gandhi’s assassin turned out to be a Moslem. So he took the responsible decision of ordering the programmes to continue as normal. He announced the death of Gandhi by a Hindu assassin only at six o’clock, nearly 40 minutes after the event, when sufficient security arrangements had been made in all places.

On hearing the news of Gandhiji’s death, Louis Mountbatten rushed to Birla house where his body was kept. Mountbatten could not recognize Gandhi, with his spectacles removed. Gandhi’s look was full of repose and his features were as peaceful and composed as in life. He thought that Mahatma Gandhiji will be remembered in history on par with Buddha and Christ because he had sacrificed his life like them for the sake of mankind.

Mountbatten went up to Nehru and Patel and told them about Gandhiji’s dying wish. Gandhiji had been greatly worried that two of his supporter’s Patel and Nehru were drifting apart. Mountbatten informed Patel and Nehru that Gandhiji had asked him to prevail upon them to forget their differences and work together. Moved by this message, the two leaders embraced each other.

On hearing the news of Gandhiji’s death, the whole nation was filled with sorrow and silence. To mourn the Mahatma, the hearths in villages were cold. The streets of the cities of Bombay and Calcutta wore a deserted look. In Pakistan millions of women shattered their baubles and trinkets to show their grief. In some places mobs tried to attack the buildings of Hindu mahasabha and R.S.S villagers started marching towards Delhi to mourn the leader.
Mountbatten planned to carry Gandhiji’s embalmed body in a special funeral train throughout the country. So that millions of people could have a last darshan of their leader. But pyarelal Nayar ended the idea by pointing out that Gandhiji had clearly wanted his body to be cremated within twenty four hours of his death in accordance with Hindu tradition.

Mountbatten suggested engaging the military for organizing and conducting the funeral procession, as there would be a very huge crowd. Nehru and patel were shocked at thus suggestion as Gandhiji was always against war and violence which was the profession of the military. Mountbatten convinced them by saying that Gandhiji admired the military’s discipline and they finally selented .

Filled with tears Nehru announced the death of Gandhiji on the radio. He said that “THE LIGHT HAD GONE OUT OF OUR LIVES” as the Bapu is dead. But he corrected himself and said that the light will be always seen as it represented the eternal truths of life guiding us in the right path.

The most memorable tribute to Gandhiji was paid by the Hindustan herald .Its editorial page was left bank ringed by a black border. At its centre in bold letters there was a single paragraph which described the killing of Gandhiji as” A SECOND CRUCIFIXON” in the history pf the world enacted on the same day-Friday-on which Jesus was killed.



Indira Gandhi (1917-1984) was the first woman prime minister of India. She was drawn into the freedom movement at an early age. She became the prime minister in 1966 and continued in that position until her death in 1984, except for the period (1977-1980).

According to Indira Gandhi the environment issues like population explosion, poverty, ignorance, disease, environmental pollution and proliferation of nuclear weapons are independent systems forming vicious circle. Hence they cannot be tackled by isolation .the human environment is also a part of this system.

Women keep themselves isolated, unmindful of the vast changes taking place in the modern world shackled by pre-conceived nations; she is unaware of her political abilities. A lower status for women is a handicap for the growth of mankind. So she should strive for equality in all spheres.

Conditioned by the male dominated society women judge themselves by the norms made by men and compare themselves with men. But Indira Gandhi does not want women to imitate men. But she wants both men and women get liberated from outdated thoughts and habits and strive to create a better society.

Women of lower economic levels and tribals enjoy more freedom and less inequality. It is the middle class women who are bound by rigid custom and social attitude. Indira Gandhi was surprised when she saw women of Manipur dealing with marketing and occupying themselves in civic duties.

Our national movement vastly accelerated the emancipation of women. Thanks to leaders like Gandhiji and Nehru, a large number of women were drawn into the freedom struggle and they went to prison and actively participated in the organisational work. This induced men to join the movement in great numbers.

Right from boyhood discrimination is made between boys and girls, in the choice of colours, toys and in manners. This creates certain prejudges in the child’s mind, blocking his freewill. All girls did not go to school. Certain things were considered unsuitable for girls. Hence women in public life suffer from a feeling of inferiority.
What is remarkable about India is that women of character who have been able to break through the barriers and prejudices have been accepted by the public without questions. Beside the visible subordinate role allotted to women, they were looked upon as a symbol of energy, the active principle.


Mark mc Cormack (1930-2003) was the founder and CEO of the sports management conglomerate international management group which represents such celebrities as tiger woods, Andre Agassi and Venus and Serena Williams.

According to the author, when people want to know about our personal life or others money matters we should say, “it’s none of your business” we
can thus avoid many awaked situations. There was an executive in the authors company.

He always wanted to know everything about others but he was harmless. But it is not easy to judge weather our curiosity is harmful or not.
“I’ve Always ………Because People can’t say
It’s none of your business”
The author tells an incident to prove his point about money matters. The author’s company arranged for a text writer at a reasonable fee. The text writer wanted to know about the illustrator’s fee. He was trying to know about other’s money matters. The publisher did not like this question put by the author’s agent. The agent should have told the writer “ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS”

We should try to keep professional and personal affairs separate .In the work place, out of friendship; people want to know about others personal life. There are many dangers giving out such information.

Once the author met the CEO of a company .Two of his staffers were with him. In the presence of others, the CEO criticised one of the staffers .He said he was spending his time talking to his girl friend over the phone..

The CEO misused the trust of the staffers. If they had kept their personal matters and professional matters separate, they could have avoided the embarrassing situation.


Barbara Mack was born on October 26, 1952 in Des Moines; Iowa. Barbara went to catholic schools while growing up. Barbara took her undergraduate degree fro the Iowa state university.

In this essay the author looks at he game of chess from a new angle .Chess is a game of skill. It also helps us to know about the history of medieval times .The six pieces represents people of different status. It represents a cross section of medieval life with its many ceremonies, grandeur and wars.

“Chess is more than just a game of skill
Playing chess helps to improve numerical skill”

Chess was played many centuries ago in china, India, and Persia. But it was not sure in which century it originated. Then in the eighth century, armies of Arabs knew as moors invaded Persia. The moors learned chess from the Persians. When the moors later invaded Spain, the soldiers brought the game of chess with them from Spain, chess quickly spread throughout Europe.

The pawn represents the labourers.Its duty is to protect the others. It can be sacrificed or sold to protect others. The pawns on the chess board represent serfs or labourers. There are more of them than any other piece on the board, and often they are sacrificed to save the more valuable pieces.

The knight on the chess board represents the professional soldiers of medieval times whose job it was to protect persons of rank, and there are two of them on each side in a game of chess. Knights in a game of chess are more important than pawns, but less important than bishops, kings, or queens.

There was a bishop in the game of chess, who represents the church. The church was a rich and mighty force in medieval times and religion played a large part in every person’s life.

A bishop was the name of a priest in the Catholic Church who had beniusen through the ranks to a more powerful position .In the game of chess, there are two bishops for each side.

The queen is the only piece on the board during a chess game that represents a woman and she is the most powerful piece of the game. In the game of chess, there is only one queen for each side. Though the queen is the most powerful piece in the game, her position in medieval times was very popular.

The king is the tallest piece on the board. It is the duty of everyone to protect the king who is the most important but not the most powerful piece. The capture of the king signifies the loss of the game .his surrender means the loss of the kingdom. So he was protected by all.

The author wants us to look at chess, as a history lesson..

LITTLE THINGS – Samuel Smiles

Samuel Smiles has authored several biographies and he is familiar for his self-help. Also he wrote Character, Thrift, and Duty which earned him fame in 19th century. The author stresses on the importance of little things that we usually neglect in our lives. The success of human beings depends on the kind of attention they give to little things. Even luck, he says, does not favour a person who is negligent, loose, lazy and not focused.
Result of negligence:
In this essay, the author stresses the importance of little things, which we usually neglect and as the result we face serious consequences. Character, success in business, comfort of a household and good government all consist of little things. Even knowledge has to be acquired in bits. Diligence and not luck makes men.
He advices, “Your negligence, shiftless, loose fellows never meet with luck; because the results of industry are denied to those who will not use the proper efforts to secure them”.
Luck and Labour:
He further adds, “It is not luck, but behavior makes men. Luck says an American writer is ever waiting for something to turn up; labour with keen eye and strong will always turns up something. Luck whines; labour whistles. Luck relies on chance; labour on character”.
Importance of pure air:
The author gives a number of examples to prove his point. In household, little things like cleanliness, fresh air and removal of dirt make for happiness and health. A closed door or window may appear as a small thing. But, it may make the difference of a life destroyed by fever.
Druggist’s selection:
A young man rejected a beautiful lady because she came with her dress partially unpinned and her hair untidy. He judged of women as of men – by little things; and he was right. A druggist selected the person who was able to make up a pennyworth of salt into packet in the most expert manner as his assistant. If a ship is allowed to depart from shore even with a very little hole in its bottom, it might sink in the sea.
Importance of nail:
While saying about the importance of a small nail the author describes the following incident.
“For want of a nail the shoe of the aide-de-camp’s horse was lost. For want of shoe, the horse was lost. For want of the horse, the aide-de camp himself was lost; for the enemy took him and killed him. And for want of the aide-de-camp’s intelligence, the army of his general was lost; and all because a little nail had not been properly fixed in a horse’s shoe!”
It will do:
Lazy people who neglect little things sayings ‘It will do’ will meet with failure and defeat. A farmer incurred heavy loss because he failed to fix a gate with a proper latch. Life is full of illustrations of a similar kind. When small things are habitually neglected, ruin is not for off. A penny may be a small amount. But, the person who squanders it suffers whereas the person saves it carefully gains a comfortable home and peace of mind.
The author establishes his points by saying that all great things are made up of little things. “Many a little makes a mickle”. He concludes this essay by quoting a Scotch proverb, “The gear that is gifted is never so sweet as the gear that is won.

TREE SPEAKS – C.Rajagopalachary

1. TREE SPEAKS – C.Rajagopalachary
In this essay, the author speaks about the loosing of our culture along with practices we cherished in yester years. The cutting down of a tree upsets us the biological cycles as we all know. The author even in those days, was concerned about the likely ecological imbalance caused by man’s indiscriminate cutting down of trees. He also points out that the tree and such other ones have a life of their own.
Colonel’s evening walk:
C.Rajagopalachary narrates an incident which made him realize the importance of the trees. He had a friend named Ray Johnson who was a medical officer in Salem. Colonel Johnson was a great lover of trees. He had the habit of talking to the trees on the roadside, during his evening walks.
“He would bend intimately and kiss the trees and whisper to them kind words. This was odd but very beautiful to see”.
Killing of beautiful girl:
One day Mr. Johnson was shocked when a forty years old, huge pipal tree had been felled because it was too near the district board office. He wanted to voice his strong protest against it. The next day when Rajaji saw him, Colonel said,
“They have killed my tall, beautiful girl. They say this tree was too near the building. Who asked them to place their building so near the tree? The tree has been growing there these forty years, and this upstart building came to be there only last year” with eyes filling.
The doctor’s feelings made a deep impression on Rajaji. He visited the place next day late evening and saw the fallen giant pipal tree and ruminated, “Was each branch a separate life and the tree an uprooted family or was it even bigger than that, each flower having its own soul, the whole tree being a great city?”
Author’s dream:
He remembered the belief of Hindus that every tree had a life and soul like humans. That night the giant pipal tree appeared in his dream and asked, “Here I am, killed, murdered. I want you to take up my cause. They paid treble coolie rates to coax the men who at first refused to cut me down. The silver pieces seduced the good men.”
Rajaji agreed to the words of the papal tree. He wrote a letter to the ‘Madras Mail’ condemning strongly the folly of felling old trees. The members of the bar criticized him for his pre-occupation with trees, when everyone fighting for India’s freedom. Though Rajaji took active participation in the freedom struggle, he did not regret writing about the pipal tree.

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